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In the heart of a desolate cavern, where the shadows seemed to devour the very essence of light, the air hung heavy with the scent of fear and desperation. Chained to the cold, damp walls were the last remaining group of unique vampire beings, The Scarletts. Their once-vibrant cloaks now tattered and stained in the deepest shades of red.

Torches flickered along the uneven walls, casting grotesque shadows that danced with the rhythm of their collective trembling.

Whimpers and desperate pleas filled the cavern as the Scarletts, bound by heavy chains, cast fearful glances at one another. The darkness seemed to close in on them, a malevolent force that sought to crush the last embers of hope within their souls.

Among the captive Scarletts, a venerable figure with eyes that held the weight of centuries cast a weary gaze upon the chained assembly. "Hold onto your strength, my kin. We face a darkness beyond our reckoning, but we must endure."

As the ominous atmosphere thickened, a sudden hush fell upon the captives. A dark silhouette emerged from the shadows, stepping into the dim light cast by the torches. Choi Jinwoo, heir to a family of ordinary vampires. His form cloaked in malevolence, entered the cavern with an air of sinister purpose.

The captives recoiled, their collective gasp echoing through the cavern. "Jinwoo, spare us!" one of the Scarletts pleaded, their voice choked with fear.

Jinwoo, his eyes gleaming with an unholy fervor, surveyed the captive assembly with a twisted grin. "Spare you? Oh, my dear Scarletts, you are the key to my sole motive. The accomplishing of this power to myself only."

A chorus of desperate pleas erupted from the chained Scarletts, their voices a cacophony of terror. "Please, have mercy! You must understand that being ordinary makes this power far beyond your reach!"

But Jinwoo, consumed by a thirst for power, paid no heed to the pleas of the once-noble vampire. With a flicker of madness in his eyes, he raised a gleaming blade, a twisted grin playing upon his lips. "Mercy is a luxury I can no longer afford."

Everyone trembled as Jinwoo slashed through the air, the blade biting through the Scarlett's throat. A tormented scream reverberated through the chamber, mingling with the sinister laughter that echoed from Jinwoo. 

The cavern, now stained with the echoing cries of the slaughtered and the desperate pleas of the captive Scarletts, became a theater of unfathomable horror. One by one, Choi Jinwoo moved with ruthless precision, slashing the throats of the chained Scarletts, their once-resilient forms now reduced to lifeless vessels. The air reeked of the metallic tang of blood and the stifling scent of impending doom.

The captives, their eyes wide with terror, witnessed the massacre unfolding before them. Each crimson splash seemed to extinguish another glimmer of hope, leaving only the hollow echoes of agony in its wake.

As Jinwoo approached the last Scarlett, a venerable figure with eyes that mirrored the vastness of time, a haunting silence fell upon the cavern. The final Scarlett, weakened by the atrocities witnessed, clung to the last vestiges of strength.

"Jinwoo, please, heed the warnings," the last Scarlett pleaded, her voice a fragile whisper that seemed to ripple through the air. "This path leads to a darkness far graver than you can fathom. Spare yourself from the curse you bring upon the realm."

But Jinwoo, his eyes ablaze with an insatiable thirst for power, remained unmoved. The twisted grin upon his face revealed a madness that transcended the boundaries of reason. With a swift and merciless stroke, he slashed her throat.

The cave reverberated with the heart-wrenching gasps of the final captive, her form collapsing to the ground, crimson life seeping into the cold stone beneath. The once-vibrant cloak of hers now lay drenched in the deepest shades of despair.

As the last echoes of the Scarlett's pleas faded, Jinwoo approached her lifeless form. Ignoring the warnings that lingered in the air like a malevolent specter, he unsheathed a blade and slashed his own palm, the blood dripping into a darkened bowl.

In a macabre ritual, Jinwoo poured the life essence of the slaughtered Scarletts into the bowl, the mingling of their blood creating an unholy concoction.

The moment Choi Jinwoo greedily imbibed the concoction, an unsettling transformation seized him. His eyes, once ablaze with the hunger for Scarlett power, widened with realization and horror. The unholy fusion of Scarlett blood and forbidden magic wrought havoc upon his being.

A chilling silence descended upon the cavern as Jinwoo's body convulsed, contorting in ways that defied the laws of nature. His veins pulsed with an otherworldly darkness, snaking across his skin like a macabre tapestry. The once-pale complexion of his form darkened, taking on a hue that seemed to absorb the very essence of light.

Jinwoo, now caught in the throes of an unforeseen metamorphosis, staggered backward. The twisted grin that once adorned his face contorted into an expression of sheer terror. The cavern, once a witness to unspeakable atrocities, now bore witness to the birth of something far more sinister—an entity that transcended the malevolence of a mere vampire.

His mind, now entwined with the cursed blood of the Scarlett, recoiled in horror at the unforeseen consequences. The once-thirst for power transformed into an insatiable hunger that gnawed at the core of his existence.

"I sought ascension, but this...this is a perversion of the Scarlett blood," Jinwoo muttered, his voice a grotesque symphony of despair. 

The captive Scarletts, though lifeless, seemed to cast lingering shadows upon the cavern walls, their silent warnings echoing in the oppressive air. Jinwoo, now realizing the gravity of his transgressions, clutched at his transformed form as if attempting to claw away the darkness that consumed him.

The once-potent magic that should have elevated him to the echelons of Scarlett power now manifested as a grotesque mockery of life. In a moment of horrific realization, Jinwoo uttered a guttural scream that resonated through the cavern, a sound that seemed to pierce the very fabric of reality. He had not become the transcendent being he sought; instead, he birthed a force far more malevolent—a Bloodmae cursed to wield powers that defied the very essence of vampiric existence.

As the transformation into the accursed Bloodmae reached its horrifying climax, Jinwoo's newfound powers granted him a dark awareness—a malevolent connection to the last remaining Scarlett who had narrowly escaped the massacre. There's still one more. Jinwoo repeated in his head as he heard the troubled breaths of a vulnerable female. One that was nowhere to be seen by him, but she could see him. She saw everything he had done.

In the echoing silence of the cavern, Jinwoo's voice, now imbued with a sinister resonance, echoed through her ears. "I know you're there, Scarlett. I know you can see me so know that you cannot elude me. In the shadows, wherever you are, I will find you. And take what belongs to me, your blood." 

Just then, she could see him glaring right into her soul. His breath rosing on her face as his mouth turned upwards sinisterly. She wanted to escape but it was as if he had taken control over her body. Jinwoo's hand gripped her throat tightly, making her squeal for air.  This horrible scene was where she was going to meet her end, at the hands of the Bloodmae. She closed her eyes, as his fangs dug into her neck.

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