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✧. ┊ chapter 05, Revelation ┊.✧


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Haewon sat in the classroom, her mind a storm of thoughts, legs shaking nervously and arms crossed tightly. The urgency of the situation pressed on her, and the clock ticking away only heightened her anxiety. The full moon was tonight, and she had just this day to find the right vampire for the Scarlett ritual.

As she contemplated her options, Minji's words echoed in her mind. Maybe Sunghoon could help. The idea lingered, and she found herself mulling over the possibilities. Haewon knew very little about Sunghoon, and the mysterious aura he exuded only added to the intrigue.

She recalled Sunghoon's calm demeanor, the way he effortlessly dealt with the void vampires the other night. Could he be the ally she needed? The question played like a broken record in her mind, and she couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Sunghoon than met the eye.

Lost in her thoughts and the gravity of the situation, Haewon hadn't noticed the passage of time. A sudden voice cut through her contemplation, and she blinked, refocusing on her surroundings. It was Minji, a bemused smile playing on her lips.

"You've been staring too long. What's on your mind?" Minji's voice held a teasing note, but her eyes reflected genuine curiosity.

Haewon's cheeks warmed with embarrassment as she realized she had been fixated on Sunghoon without realizing it. She offered a sheepish smile to Minji, attempting to downplay her distraction. "Oh, nothing. Just lost in thought."

Minji raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "Lost in thought or lost in Sunghoon?" She grinned mischievously, nudging Haewon playfully.

Haewon rolled her eyes, trying to regain her composure. "Minji, it's not like that. I was just... considering something."

Minji's teasing expression softened into concern as she observed Haewon. "Are you thinking about asking Sunghoon for the.."

"Maybe, I mean according to what you mentioned about how Sunghoon fought the voids himself and has good combat skills. I'm considering him as a useful candidate." She responded as the bell rang, signaling the end of the class and other students started to leave, including Sunghoon.

Minji watched him exit as she processed the information, her expression shifting from concern to a mix of understanding and skepticism. "Sunghoon, huh? Well, I only told you what I observed about him. But are you sure you can trust him with this?"

Haewon nodded, determination in her eyes. "I don't have much time, Minji. The full moon is tonight, and I need to find an ally before then. I can't afford to wait any longer."

Minji sighed, recognizing the gravity of the situation. "Just be careful, Haewon. If you think Sunghoon can help, then go for it. But keep your guard up. We don't know much about him."

𝐄𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐝 || 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now