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✧. ┊ chapter 09, Departure ┊.✧


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Sunghoon's skepticism lingered, his expression a mix of disbelief and frustration. "Are you serious right now? I can't even get myself to heal, and you want to teach me how to start my heartbeat already?" he challenged, his tone tinged with incredulity.

Haewon met his gaze with unwavering determination, her resolve unshaken by his skepticism. "Your heartbeat will help you to focus. It's the first step towards mastering control over your healing abilities," she explained calmly.

Sunghoon's shoulders slumped slightly as he relented, acknowledging the logic in her words. "Okay," he conceded reluctantly, though the doubt still lingered in his voice.

"Firstly, you need to clear your mind," Haewon instructed, her voice steady and commanding. "Take a deep breath, and close your eyes."

As she spoke, a sense of calm settled over the clearing, punctuated only by the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze.

Haewon's instructions hung in the air like a delicate whisper, guiding Sunghoon into a state of heightened awareness. With each word, he felt himself sinking deeper into the tranquility of the forest, his senses sharpening as if attuned to the subtle rhythms of nature herself.

He closed his eyes, shutting out the world around him, and took a deep breath, the crisp scent of pine filling his lungs. As he exhaled, he let go of the tension coiled within him, allowing his body to relax into the embrace of the earth beneath him.

"Focus on the sounds of your surroundings," Haewon's voice drifted to him like a distant melody, coaxing him to listen. And so he did. The forest came alive around him, a symphony of life unfolding in the stillness of the night.

He heard the gentle rustle of leaves as they danced in the breeze, their whispers a soothing lullaby that enveloped him in a sense of calm. The rhythmic chirping of crickets added to the chorus, their song blending seamlessly with the rustling of leaves, creating a harmonious melody that seemed to echo through the very heart of the forest.

Amidst the natural symphony, he could discern the steady cadence of Haewon's heartbeat, a reassuring presence amidst the vast expanse of sound. It pulsed like a steady drumbeat, anchoring him to the present moment and guiding him deeper into his own consciousness.

"Even if we're dead, blood still runs in our veins," Haewon's words resonated with him, their truth ringing clear in the stillness of the night. He focused inward, turning his attention to the subtle pulsing of his own blood.

At first, it was faint a mere whisper beneath the cacophony of sound surrounding him. But as he listened, it grew stronger, each beat reverberating through his veins like a steady drum. He felt the warmth of it, the life force coursing through his body, and for a moment, he was acutely aware of every vein, every artery, every drop of blood that flowed within him.

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