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✧. ┊ chapter 06, Ritual ┊.✧


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Sunghoon still pinned against the tree, had a self-satisfied grin playing on his lips as Haewon glared at him with a mix of shock and anger.

"Surprised, Haewon?" Sunghoon's tone dripped with smugness. "I've known about your Scarlett side for a while now. The way your heart beats, only Scarlett vampires have that unique trait. I just needed to see it for myself."

Haewon's anger flared, her Scarlett eyes narrowing. "So, you've been playing games with me all this time? Testing me?"

Sunghoon chuckled, unfazed by her hostility. "Well, what can I say? I wanted to be sure. And seeing you lose your cool was quite entertaining."

Haewon, still seething with anger released her grip on Sunghoon, her hands balling into fists "You think this is a game, Sunghoon? I have no time for your ego trips. Lives are at stake, and you're here reveling in your little secret."

Sunghoon pushed himself off the tree, adopting an arrogant posture. "Oh, Haewon, you're always so serious. I just wanted to have a bit of fun. Besides, now that you know I'm aware of your Scarlett side, we can move forward with whatever plan you have since I was waiting for the full moon myself too."

As she moved back, her eyes lingered on his face for a moment, a mixture of anger and curiosity in her gaze.

"You enjoy being the puppet master, don't you?" Haewon's voice was laced with bitterness as she spoke. "Toying with others, manipulating situations. It's a wonder you don't have strings attached to your fingers."

Sunghoon's smirk only widened. "Life is more interesting when you pull a few strings, Scarlett. Keeps things from getting too dull."

Her eyes flashed with irritation. "Don't think for a second that I need your cooperation willingly. If you weren't potentially useful, I'd ash you into thin air right now."

Sunghoon raised an eyebrow, his cocky grin widening. "You wouldn't want to do that. Who else is going to help you deal with the Bloodmae? Face it, Haewon, you need me."

Haewon gritted her teeth, suppressing the urge to lash out. "I don't need anyone who plays games with me, Sunghoon. You might have your uses, but that doesn't mean I trust you."

Sunghoon's expression remained arrogant, his confidence unshaken. "Trust is overrated, Haewon. Let's focus on the task at hand. I'm willing to help, on my terms, of course."

Haewon took a deep breath, attempting to calm the storm of emotions within her. "Fine, Sunghoon. We'll work together, but don't think for a second that I'll forget your little game."

With an exaggerated bow, Sunghoon mockingly replied, "I'm honored to be your ally, Scarlett Haewon. Let the games begin."

The moon, full and radiant, cast its silvery glow upon the landscape. Haewon, feeling the moon's energy seeping into her, looked up, her hazel eyes reflecting the moon's brilliance. She could sense the power building within her, a familiar yet profound connection to the celestial body above.

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