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✧. ┊ chapter 02, Reckoning ┊.✧


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"A void vampire? Here?!" Minji's voice betrayed a mix of disbelief and unease.

Haewon, her eyes narrowing as she focused on the growing voice, responded, "I sense it. It's somewhere close,"

"How did it even.. I mean you said the last time you encountered one was like 400 years ago" Minji tried to make sense of the uninvited situation.

Haewon sighed, "That's what I need to figure out, why now all of a sudden? Ji-ah stay inside the dorm and be careful."

"I'll be careful, Haewon. Just promise me you'll stay safe," Minji implored, her worry evident in her eyes.

Haewon nodded, a silent understanding passing between them. "Lock the doors and windows, and don't open for anyone but me."

Leaving Minji with those parting words, Haewon exited her building, guided solely by her heightened senses. The dark streets echoed with a foreboding silence as she moved swiftly, tracing the subtle disturbances in the air.

The sensation grew stronger, pulling her like a magnetic force. Haewon weaved through a couple of streets, each step heightening the tension in the air. The distant murmur of the void's voice became more distinct, echoing through the quiet night.

As Haewon followed the unnerving trail, the voice led her into a dimly lit alley. Shadows clung to the corners, and the air seemed charged with an otherworldly energy. Haewon's hazel eyes glowed faintly red in the darkness as she scanned her surroundings, ready for whatever awaited her.

Suddenly, the silence shattered as multiple voids materialized before her. One of them, with sharp fangs and red eyes, hissed, "You can't escape him, Haewon."

"Him?" Haewon raised a brow at the void. Who is him Before she could ask, the void marched at her at unusual speed, hissing with its fangs sharp. The void's sharp nails aimed for Haewon's throat, but she deftly evaded the attack with a swift sidestep. In response, she gestured with her hands to lift nearby objects, forming an ethereal shield. The void, undeterred, continued its assault, slashing at the floating barriers with savage determination.

Haewon's powers flared, creating a protective barrier as more voids lunged at her. The creatures, with sharp, elongated fangs and claws, were relentless in their assault.

She retaliated with a flourish of crimson energy, her movements fluid and precise. She seamlessly transitioned between her abilities and techniques, a masterful dance of power. Her hands moved with a grace that belied the fierce intent behind each gesture.

As the voids lunged forward, Haewon expertly executed a series of kicks, each one a calculated strike that sent the creature staggering. She utilized her telekinesis to manipulate the environment, hurling objects with deadly accuracy to create a chaotic battleground.

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