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✧. ┊ chapter 01, Enigma .


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A piercing scream echoed through the quiet of the dorm, a desperate cry that shattered the tranquility of the early morning. Minji, startled from her sleep, shot up in bed, her heart racing. Haewon's cries, a haunting melody of distress, sent a chill down her spine.

"Hae...won?" Minji's voice wavered with concern as she threw off the covers and rushed to the adjoining room. The door creaked open, revealing the dimly lit space where Haewon lay tangled in the aftermath of the nightmare.

"Haewon, wake up!" Minji's voice cut through the lingering echoes, urgency coloring her words. She reached for Haewon's shoulder, shaking her gently. "Hey, it's me. Wake up."

Haewon's eyes snapped open, wide with a mix of terror and disorientation. The remnants of the nightmare clung to her like a shadow. Minji, her roommate and confidante, hovered over her, a beacon of concern in the dim lighting.

"You were screaming," Minji said, her voice a mixture of worry and empathy. "What happened? Are you okay?"

Haewon sat up, her breaths coming in uneven intervals. The room, bathed in the muted glow of the sun, felt both familiar and surreal. "It was just a nightmare, Minji. A bad dream."

Minji's gaze, unwavering in its concern, searched Haewon's face for more than just reassurance. "These nightmares are getting worse. And I'm noticing you're sleeping a lot more than usual nowadays."

Haewon ran a hand through her disheveled hair, a fleeting vulnerability crossing her features. "I know, Minji. It's just... I don't understand why they're happening too often now."

"Was it the same dream again?" Minji asked as she tucked pieces of hair behind Haewon's ear and received an anxious nod from her in response.

Minji hesitated, her understanding gaze unwavering. "You don't have to face them alone, Haewon. We promised each other, remember?"

A silent nod passed between them, a reminder of a pact that transcended the boundaries of their intertwined destinies.

Bright light spilled through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the dorm. Haewon, now composed after the unsettling dream, moved to get ready for the day. Minji, watching her friend with a discerning gaze, couldn't help but feel the lingering echoes of concern.

As they prepared to leave for school, the routine of the morning masked the complexities beneath the surface. Haewon, concealing her true nature, went through the motions of human existence. She slipped on her uniform, her movements fluid yet meticulous. The room, though touched by the sun's rays, held a certain hollowness, a reflection of the shadows that lingered in Haewon's reality.

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