The Blue Haired Bassist

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Expressing myself. That's one thing I've always wanted to do. And art was well, a way for me to achieve that. You see I like to draw. Like... like a lot. Creating art that I can call my own is amazing to me.

"Whatcha up to?"

The sound of a familiar voice enters the art club room. I turn to the door to see my close friend Hino Suzuki... you could also say she's the girl that I like.

She has long dark purple hair tied into a ponytail with a light blue hair tie, and beautiful blue eyes.

"Hey Suzuki-chan! What made you decide to check up on me?"

"Just wanted to see if anyone decided to join."

"So far none." I say as I let out an awkward laugh.

She pouts.

"The club will shut down if it's just the two of us!"

"I know I know. I just can't seem to find anyone. Nobody's really into art."

I mean I'd rather it be the two of us if that was possible.

She lets out a sigh but eventually smiles.

"There's nothing we can do then. I'll keep trying to see if anyone wants to join. Text me if ya get any updates. I have volleyball practice, so I'll see you tomorrow!"

She gives me a friendly wave and runs away. I let out a sigh.

We'll need 4 members. I have two weeks to get those or this club will disband!

And Suzuki isn't really a part of the club. She plays volleyball. She only joined so the club wouldn't get disbanded. She's a really sweet girl and someone who can hold her own. We've known each other ever since middle school. Now all the athletes fall for her.

I've thought about confessing to her, but I don't know... I don't want our friendship to get ruined because of it. She has a lot of guy friends who are athletes too. I don't need to tell her. I'm happy with our relationship now.

But at the same time...

I would be a lot happier if she and I were together. Agh whatever. It's not like I have to tell her.

I stayed in the art club room for around an hour drawing in my sketchbook before getting my bag and heading out. I created this club to find others who enjoy making art. You see I've thought about becoming a mangaka when I grow up. The thought of creating my own manga sounds awesome. And if the manga's popular enough it could get turned into an anime! But the odds of me actually being a mangaka are unlikely. Most of that stuff is luck anyway.

I walk out of the club room and let out a sigh.

Life is cruel.

I don't have many friends. Suzuki is my only close friend. It's not that I'm socially awkward or anything. I just like being in my own world. Having one or two friends is enough for me-

Suddenly something bumps into me causing me to fall to the ground with a loud thud.

Ow! My head hurts.


I look to my right to see a girl on the ground right next to me. She quickly stands up and bows.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I should've watched where I was going!"

I quickly got up to see who this girl was. She had long red hair and yellow eyes. She looks like someone I've walking down the halls before. But I don't know her name.

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