Six Feet Under The Stars

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Today is Christmas. As the late afternoon came around, I started packing my things and getting ready. Suzuki and Yui would get there around eight. I was gonna meet up with Kita at her house and we would go to Shibuya from there. I put the gifts in a bookbag and headed out the house.


I knock on the front door of Kita's house. I fix my posture and quietly wait. Moments later the door opens with the expectation of it being Kita. But, it wasn't...

Who is she?

She looks like Kita but it's not her. She had short red hair and yellow eyes. She looks a lot like Kita so I'm going to assume this is her mom. They look so similar yet the vibes of the two are completely different. Unlike Kita, her mom looks way more serious and cold. Similar to Mitsuya but with her it feels stronger.

"Who are you? Are you the boy that's friends with my daughter?"

"Yeah, my name's Y/N. I'm friends with your daughter Kita. Nice to meet you!"

"Hmph. I see. What are your intentions with my daughter for tonight?" She asks boldly.

"I just plan on hanging out with her, that's all."

"How can I be sure of that-"

"Mom will you stop! I keep telling you that Y/N isn't a creep! He's a good guy!"

Suddenly Kita walks past her looking annoyed.

"You can't be so sure about that Ikuyo! There's a lot of weird men out there!"

"He's not like that! Why won't you understand?"

"I just want the best for you..."

"Umm I know you may not know me, but I promise you I mean no harm to Kita. She is a friend that is very dear to me. All I want for her is to have a fun time! I will never do anything bad to her. I promise!" I say while bowing down.

She looks at me for a long while trying to see if I was telling the truth. She lets out a sigh.

"Alright. Have a fun time."

"Yay! Let's get going Y/N!"

We both wave to her and make our way to the train station to Shibuya. As we walk I notice her outfit. She had a red coat on with white ear muffs over her head. She wore black leggings and black fluffy looking boots.

Her outfit's nice. Kinda cute.

"Sorry for earlier. My mom gets like that a lot with boys our age."

"It's no worries. Well, it seems like she trusts me now. I hope at least."

Kita laughs.

"She just needs to get used to you. I don't have many male friends so this made her a little concerned."

Understandable. Must get annoying for Kita after a while.

When we entered the train there weren't seats available for us so we had to stand rather close to each other.

"What's the band up to this Christmas?"

"Gotoh-san's with family. Same with Nijika-chan, and I'm not sure about Ryo-senpai. Part of me was thinking about confessing to her today."

"Really? You should've! Today would've been perfect."

Kita frowns.

"I guess. But part of me doesn't know anymore. I like her because she's cool and pretty. But if we dated, I'd see a whole new side of her I never knew existed. And we might not get along the more we get to know each other. I don't know if we would be a good fit to be in a relationship. Do I really love her for who she is or just for her looks? Is she really the one? Ack! I don't know anymore!"

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