Ch13: the guild Situation

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After I left without telling anyone xia qingying called me and asked if I broke through
"Hello shi feng did you breakthrough?"she asked directly.
To be honest I didn't want tell anyone about my breakthrough because I don't know if they will ask to join greater god domain directly but as it was easy to be be discovered I answered honestly"yeah"
"Great, then can you return we want to speak with you about the things you were curious about before".
"Oh really "I said with enthusiasm but inwards I was cursing.
"Yeah so We will be waiting for you"she said as she was about to hung up she heard me saying.
"But I can't right now"
"Mmmm!?what did you say you can't"asked in surprise as if she heard something wrong.
"Yeah my sister is about to be born and I must stay with my family and spend time with them and take care of the corporation as they will be busy with the my little sister for at least a year but I will try meeting you before god's domain when I have time" I said thanking god for my little baby sister otherwise this could have been awkward.
"Eh?ah well what about god's domain are you not playing?"she asked in a puzzled voice.yeah if you are gonna be busy that means you won't be playing.
"Well of course I will play and I will be leaving the management to others but my presence is also required"he said without hesitation that he will be busy.
Although there are a lot of benefits to enter greater god's domain but I know that our small numbers won't be of any help and we need a large numer to make a difference so later would be better.
"Mmmm well okay but if I will have you know that later even if we tell you wouldn't get any benefits as utmost you enter the core area and that's all "
I didn't speak as if I was hesitant about that but after a while I said righteously " my family is more important"I myself almost believed it
although it's true but it wasn't without solutions as I'm only a backing and with or without me the corporations is still doing good and the future mining corporation also has its foundation after three years and even if I'm not there it can rival Starlink corporation.
"Okay when you have time remember to come we need to talk "she said after believing my words.
"okay" I said as I felt relieved that situation that i was afraid of didn't happen.
although normally green god corporation is tolerant and doesn't really antagonize anyone that's just because they see us as children in front of a giant.
But that's because no one can hurt their benefits and that's also the reason they don't need a guild because in their mind guilds in god's domain we are just employees to them so antagonizing your employer is really a bad choice because they they can make your miserable.
although I know I can reach mental strength grandmaster and reach greater domain alone I'm not ungrateful to bite them after they took care of me and I really do believe that I can bring them more benefits by entering the god's domain first without forgetting to mention the sacrifices they made to earn us god's domain.
I arrived home and spent time with my parents as there was still a week for my sister birth.
I decided to enter the virtual combat training center from home with the card that was made.
Right now there is almost two hundred players with cards from the 300 cards that was made as I still plan to provide some guilds and adventure teams with cards.
As i enter I noticed some people sparring and some in the tower and others are watching.
I walked to blackie as I asked
"How are we doing"
Blackie turned his head to see me and said
"hey shi feng we are doing great actually" but I felt something wrong so I asked him
"What is going on isn't that a good thing"
" yeah yeah it's great it's just that I reached domain realm finally after four years of working hard like a dog with you spending so much money on me and even made me enter the upper zone while now some of the two hundred guys reached void realm and a few surpassed it and become like me in one year no in just 8 months so I was wondering if something like me is worth it"
"What, you reached domain realm?" I yelled due to being really surprised as blackie spent five years until he reached void realm and even with the help of advantages of greater god's domain he spent two more years to reach domain realm.
As I yelled people took notice of us but I didn't pay them any attention as I was really confused.
What's going here how can blackie reach domain realm that fast?.but after thinking about I almost instantly understood as I have begun teaching from younger age and now i have lots of experience from teaching others he finally made a breakthrough.
Blackie face turned black after hearing my surprised voice and said "what are surprised did not expect to reach domain expert?"
" no it's more of a surprise about my talent in teaching I think I'm really the best there's out there "i said after staring at him in the middle.
The guild members came laughing and blackie who heard their laughs immediately said"let's fight i will kick you ass"
I said "okay" In the less than 10 exchanges he died.
"God damn it, monster "blackie said after he revived.
"Okay guys i understand that all of you are getting ready for god's domain but there will be a competition in a month and winners gets a spot in the upper zone"
my words immediately silence them before there's an uproar as they didn't believe there ears.

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