Ch71: The realms of Truth

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Shi Feng got 12 epic from 16 Dark gold chests and it's not ordinary items. Shi Feng got 7 epic equipments,Evil God's Tablet,Ancient God's Literature Fragment - Page I, a Seven Luminaries Scripture and an epic mount .
He got 5 very useful items a Bronze guild promotion order , a tier 3 magic scroll ,a Tier 3 mysterious flame and an Airport Building order.
There's also some materials but Shi Feng was slightly disappointed at not finding book of undying.

He then looked at fine gold treasure chest and started to open them and he got from 43 fine gold treasure chests 26 dark gold items from which 15 equipments , 4 weapons designs , 2 mounts and 5 especial tools.from them he actually found another book of undying .

He also got some guild and city building designs

He was very excited just sitting here he can build an empire by his tool so he wanted to continue but aqua called him.

"Guild leader , where are you the people have gathered and you are now late "

"Oh I'm coming right a way "

I immediately transferred to Silverwing city where the people have gathered.Silverwing is without a doubt the easiest to reach from Airport to teleportation gate so people gathered here .

I quickly went to meet Xia Qingying first and the people with her.then I arranged for her some executives from the Green god corporation a VP room while I went to the stage.

"Sorry for the delay, but we can start the meeting right now"

"As you remember that the last week I offered some slots for training people and now I will explain the benefits now.

We all know what the refinement realms are but god's domain doesn't acknowledge that realms as it has its own realms named by the realms of Truth

The realms of Truth focuses on improving the person's control over their body and utilizing the environment. In the game, it will help increase the combat power of the player, allowing them to perform actions and exhibit power beyond their usual state.Unlike the Realms of Refinement, the Realms of Truth focused on exerting the maximum potential of one's body, rather than the five senses. Hence, even when controlling summoned creatures, they are able to exert the same performance their controller has achieved in the Realms of Truth."

I then continued explaining the realms of truth and how useful it's in not only learning combat techniques but also helping in breakthrough the mental stages in real life .

" I'm saying helping because it only facilities the breakthrough so some could breakthrough while others couldn't. That has many factors from innate talent to luck or potions in real life and extra .

So I'm going to open the training path to the realm of Truth by offering 50 slots to the guilds and 50 Slots to green god's corporation as a show of gratitude for all there hard work over the years.

So now that I'm done explaining , are there any questions "

There were some silent at first but then someone stood up and I knew who he was.

"Hello Sir Ye Feng, I'm..,"

"I know who you are Sir Odin so please continue "

"Well Sir as you know Mythology won a spot previously for a slot and we sent a domain player from our guild and I myself seen the results from his training and he even overwhelmed me.

But from what I understand is that there's too many slots available so why are you offering only 50 slots and green god corporation being here means we won't get the chance to win. "

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