Ch 64: The Arrangment

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After logging out I went to the green company headquarters.I met with Xia Qingying and Xia Wuyuan. But he seemed to on the phone with someone.

"Hello Mr Shi Feng,you have caused us so much trouble after the announcement and the corporations have been giving us a headache because of you" Xia Qingying said but she seems to be happy.

"You don't seem to dislike it though Mrs Qingying "

"Oh that's right we sure hope for more of such headaches"

"Anyway I came to see where the Upper Zone will be built "

"It's going to be a matter of you own choice "

I remember that the Upper Zone for Zero Wing was built in Fenglin City but I know of the best place for it is on the the Verado island that will have the best space connection to the greater world and it's also where the mysterious energy will be thicker.

No body knows the reason but it became a phenomenal place in the future and people will hope to just take a glance inside.

The green god company will build this island after 7 years and by luck will know that it's a special place.

It's one of the reasons that our world hit a new hight in gaining grandmasters because of it.

There's only one reason people thought it might be the reason for it is that the spatial passage will become the best in that island allowing the mysterious energy to flow from it better but it couldn't be confirmed .

"I want it on this island "

"Mmmm it will cost you a lot this way and you will need to build an airport too are you sure?"
She seemed puzzled about my choice

"I want to build docks too and make a city design first then we start "

but suddenly Xia Wuyuan

"What the hell kid why are you going so far away"

"Well I just wanted make it there because my parents will live there and they wanted to live on this Island "

I couldn't think of a reason so I just my parents as an excuse .

"Okay while it's strange it's an easy matter"

"How long would it take"

"It should be done before you leave"

"It would be great then"

I left the green god's headquarters and left to home.

I met my parents and told them the news but they weren't very excited.

After staying for a few hours I called for everyone to to go to the virtual combat training center .

After everyone gathered I said

"Well guys it's time I tell somethings"

I told them everything about The Great world and the Great god's domain.

"So I want to take some of you with me but now there's another thing.after I broke through mental strength grandmaster, I gotten another opportunity that's even better than mine. The truth is that who ever take it will become a grandmaster at least but he may become even 3-star grandmaster . The reason that I'm giving it to you is for two reasons.

I alone won't be able to have gained a foothold there and so with another person but it's better to have two personals than one

The second being while the green god's corporation has gained a foothold in the greater world for them to be able to gain control management for our god's domain.they still must want to show that our world who just gained a god's domain have talents and it's a world worth making business with"

"So who do you think I should take with me and who can break through and help me in the greater world "

They stayed silent for a long time not knowing what to stay. I just kept silent because I didn't know what to do either.

"Guild leader i think you should take gentle snow with you" After some time passed Aqua said.

"Why ?"

"Because you two are the only ones that won't mess up the situation there.those guys only know about fighting but for gaining a foothold is impossible for them .now we won't be the Strong but the weak and we need brains not brawn "


"Hey aqua isn't that too harsh " Lei Bao spoke as he was offended

" Shut up especially you and invincible Swallow do you know how much of hard work your messes cost us to clean it up.You alone almost got in fight with 5 corporations and more than 10 guilds "

".....But still it's too harsh"

Eh why did your voice suddenly went seems he got an earful from aqua and invincible swallow didn't even comment as if he wasn't here.

"Well aqua it's a good choice but the truth is gentle snow strength is too low for such action"

She remained silent this time because she understood the ramifications if gentle snow took the crystals of soul but didn't break through.

"Well it's not like it's not without a solution but it depends on luck . I have information from some special NPC that said some time after clearing the special dungeons in neutral maps like the one one the Slumbering Tomb lvl 80 map sometimes you fell in something called spatial mazes you would fall in a world filled with monsters .

In that world time has no meaning for you as you would spend years or decades even fighting with monsters but I think it has side effects."

I myself pan to go there because if I go there I will be able to become a 3-star grandmaster as I just need time and will be able to regain my strength.

"But isn't that a super large dungeon guild master "blacklie said.

He isn't afraid because of the dungeon but because of the numbers .the dungeon is a 300 super large dungeon and if you get people there and they truly transferred to the spatial mazes you might harm them.that's what happened to the guild that cleared it.

I have already updated the information regarding the Star moon kingdom and other places that I know of.

"Yeah it's true and I have already made preparations for it and as I plan after the people that come to train with us for the legion selection will also participate in this dungeon and the rest half i will prepare their potions "

"Okay guild master we will do it"

"Great you guys now after the update end i need you to gather to complete the quest regarding the Orc Empire but fire dance and gentle snow come here I have another mission for you"

I took them to distance and told them "Fire dance go to oceans view town in apocalypse empire and meet with gentle snow and sinned heart and kill brute spear secretly and bring me his's a quest item called Soul Orb"

"Mmmm but how did you know he has it"

"The update regarding dark players was related to him and I know of the item because it was in the hands of a demon god "

"Okay I understand "

"Remember to take my mask before you leave"

I then have to take the quest of the Bracelet of Time.

By the way would diverging phoenix have the Ancient God's Literature Fragment - Page V now ?

Well it doesn't heart to check but this i need to do it myself.

I left after that and waited for the update to complete then logged in

I took the guys to face the Orc Warlord and end this quest.

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