Ch41:the unsealing of legacy

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I didn't complete the philosopher's stone last time but in this life I have to it's an really a surprise.permanent hp increase i guess it really make people immortal but the the number is slightly low only 100 and the restrictions is almost too much of high lord and the level must be 5 level under the wielder .well let's see the rest of notification.

System: Congratulations! You have created an advance Bronze Combat Technique. Please name your combat technique. I was typing sword transmigration I noticed the difference advance bronze? Did it have advance before?but sword orbit and sword ripple is advance silver or is it because I don't have mana body it's strength doesn't show the power of advance silver only advance bronze? I started to think well let's use sword orbit as it's the first technique i used.

I entered sword orbit.

System: Congratulations! You are the first player to create an advance Bronze Combat Technique. Rewarding one advance Bronze Legacy Orb and the title 'Bronze protégée.'

[advance Bronze Legacy Orb] (Epic Rank Item)

Can record up to three created Bronze Combat Techniques. Players may learn the combat techniques in immersive environments.

1)Each attempt will cost 100 Magic Crystals.

Cooldown: 1 hour after each use.

2)record techniques can change

Cost :100 mana stones

Cool down:3 month

I stared at notifications for while and didn't react for a while not understanding what's going on?
Why didn't they give me anything like this in my last life or is it if I obtain one I can't get the other or is some else made it before me.I guess I will never find the answer.

[Bronze protégée ] (bronze Title)

When using combat techniques, expenditure is reduced by 40%. Enjoy the status of viscount in any city, kingdom, or can hire twice the number of personal guards.

Doesn't that I can hire two other guards no wonder it's a bronze title.great i wonder if versaliese appeared .

For now let's focus on tier 1 promotion it's the most important thing right now. After synthesizing 21 mana stones I took everything with me and left it in the bank vault .

After that I left to the library but there they said she asked them to tell him that she is waiting for me at blackwing city stargazing tower if I came to her she because needs him for somthing

I went to blackwing city by the pass and went straight to stargazing tower after entering the stargazing tower with temple envoy title. It seems to be really a special place as they also hesitated to allow me or not when one of them entered to ask but sharlyn allowed it.

"Lady Sharlyn, I heard that you have been looking for me. May I know how I may be of service to you?" Shi Feng reluctantly asked.

"I do have something I need you to help me with, but this matter can only be addressed inside the Weeping Moon Pavilion. Unfortunately, the Weeping Moon Pavilion does not permit entry to outsiders. You should know that I am taking a big risk by allowing you in. Seeing as we are acquaintances, I can help you pay quarter of the 1,000 Gold security deposit, but you will have to pay the remaining 250 Gold yourself. Otherwise, these Black Robe Knights will escort you out. Even I am helpless about this rule," Sharlyn sighed and shrugged, a helpless look on her face.

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