Ch111: Red Dragon Nation Invitation

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Shi Feng got out of the cabin and immediately called all the members and even asked about the guilds situation from his world.

Thank they were good and no damage happened.the main members got out from the passage and seems like the the void saints trials are in another dimension because they are still in the game.

Shi Feng was relieved.If he met that Axe Ancient god again, he would slice his corpse like a butter.

Shi Feng then sensed somewhat fatigued so he took a drop of StarDew.he sensed he was good again. It seems I either have to find to breakthrough or not use the three weapons together.

Well at least it's a good trouble .maybe If people knew about it they come and slice me.

Shi Feng calmed down and then called Liang Jing "Liang, did you make the arrangements for my parents "

"Yes guild Leader. We have even settled everything in the cities. We also acquired fifty more slots before the city lords were announced and someone saw the green god corporation meet them.

That's when a rumor spread that the green god corporation are garrisoning this cities .Afterwards Zero Wing establishing a branch here was also known and the price soared before disappearing completely."

Shi Feng thought that is most likely the city lords who did it. They wanted to get a hype before start recruiting whoever they intended to recruit.

"Well , we don't want much for now. Only try to get some slots for the other guilds too. They should start coming here too . Only in this way we start to benefit from the shares we got."

After telling here to focus on our earliest allies first especially Phoenix Dragon Pavilion and Secret Pavilion, Shi Feng hung up.

He then took another drop of StarDew and then went his parents.

Shi Feng really missed them greatly but he couldn't meet them when they just came because he had to be able to ensure that nothing wrong went on after the world passage opening.

After meeting his parents and had a heart warming union , he was sad because the little girl forgot about him. It took three hours to let her get used to him again. He even had to bribe her with candies and toys.

Just as Shi Feng was happy, a call from the city lord came and it ruined his mood.

"Hello, Mr. Feng. There's some visitors that came to me in order to arrange a meeting with you. Can you make some time to meet them "

"Who are they" Shi Feng knew it wasn't a simple as the City Lord seemed forced.

"They're representatives from several conglomerates"

"Okay, I understand. Tell them to meet me in the god's domain association "

Shi Feng then reluctantly left and went back to the association.

After going back he found really several representatives from the conglomerates that's famous . Paimon Conglomerate, Blaze Conglomerate, Galaxy conglomerate. Only now did he understand why the City Lord seemed forced.

Shi Feng entered and then sat down.
"Hello , I'm Shi Feng Zero Wing Guild leader."

They remained silent for a while then the Galaxy person who he knew very well spoke.
"Hello Mr Feng, I'm Shao Ping , an Elder at the Galaxy Conglomerate. It's very nice to meet you."

After him the other introduced themselves. Du Yang from Blaze, Cao Kang from Paimon and Mu Zhang from The Divine Hunters.

"I will wait for you to finish with others and then we can talk privately" Shap Ping Said as he waited for the others to finish their matters .

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