Ch31 : Advanced Forging Apprentice!

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"Here, this item's for you," Seliora took out the Book of Forging, handing it to Shi Feng with great reluctance. She then took out a flame-red flying dart. This flying dart radiated a brilliant red that intoxicated a person's heart. "Together with the Epic ranked greatsword, this item could be also called my greatest masterpiece. Due to the quality of the materials and my recent breakthrough , this item could achieve epic rank so you have to cherish it properly."

[Blazing Meteor] (Throwing Weapon, epic Rank)

Equipment Requirement: Strength 150, Agility 180
Attributes adjust according to user's level (level 10).
Attack Power (Player's Strength*3)

Strength +70, Agility +100, Endurance +15

Attack Speed +10

Maximum throwing distance: 50 yards

Ignore Levels +10

Attack Speed increased by 15%

When equipped :
Strength increased by 10%.
Agility increased by 5%.
Attacks have 50% chance to ignore target's Defense.

40% chance to activate Quadruple Phantom effect, each phantom causing 70% flame damage.

20% chance to activate Knockback effect.

10% chance to activate Burning Flames effect, dealing 200 flame damage to the target every second for 10 seconds. Stacks up to 5 times.

Additional Passive Skill - blazing Glow :

Burn any targets the blaze meteor strikes, decreasing their reaction speed by 15%.

Additional Skill: Flame God's Fury. Deals physical and flame damage to enemies within a 40*3 yard area. Deals 1200% damage to the initial target and damage reduces by 20% with each consecutive enemy hit to a minimum of 800% damage.

Cooldown: 3 minutes

The Blazing Meteor was forged by the Grandmaster Forger, is an extraordinary item possessing great strength.

User restriction: Ye Feng

Unable to be dropped.

Unable to be traded.

Nice. It has reached epic rank

"Master Seliora, could it be that you're... already a Grandmaster Forger?" Shi Feng looked at Seliora and said with surprise tone as if he didn't expect it .

"Hmm! I didn't expect your eyesight to be so sharp! I have indeed become a Grandmaster Forger! However, this is all thanks to you. If you did not lend me the Book of Forging, allowing me to unravel the mysteries that have troubled me for the past several years, it would still be impossible for me to become a Grandmaster. As a thank you, here is my communication crystal. In the future, you can contact me at any time through this item," Seliora nodded, smiling as she spoke.

System: Hidden Quest "Search for Seliora" completed, exceeded by aiding Seliora in becoming a Grandmaster Forger. Rewarding player with the extraordinary item, the Blazing Meteor. Rewarding Seliora's Communication Crystal. Seliora's Favorability increased by 300 points. Reputation in Star-Moon Kingdom +50. Reputation in White River City +300. Obtained the title "Grandmaster's Friend." Forging Proficiency increased by 700 points. Rewarding 300,000 EXP.

System: Congratulations! You are the first player to be promoted to an Intermediate Forging Apprentice. Obtained 50,000 EXP. Rewarding 10 Runic Steel.

Fuck,now you came well what's done is's my fault anyway.

Soon after, Shi Feng departed from the smithy called the team to go to demon's castle.
He started to get a slight headache when thinking about the monsters inside as they have too much hp points as he from
{Demon Maid} -
Elite Rank, Level 15, HP 80,000
Good at magical attacks, particularly fire-type spells.

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