Ch20:Forging genuis

133 3 1

[Kobold Chieftain] (Chieftain-rank)

Level 5

HP 2100/2100
We defeated him in 10 minutes and then we picked the drops and it was still the same drops .It had dropped a total of 8 pieces of Bronze Equipment; 1 Gray Giant Axe, 2 Plate Armor, 2 Leather Armor, 3 Cloth Armor. Aside from those, there were also 273 Coppers and 3 skill books. There was [Mock] for Shield Warriors, [Silent Steps] for Assassins, and [Evil Whip] for Cursemancers. We distributed the drops but as there's no berserks and i kept it for now.

Afterward, Shi Feng returned to the smithy.

"Master Jack, I've killed the Kobold Chieftain. This is its skull." Shi Feng said respectfully as he took out a Kobold's skull.

Master Jack, who was currently hammering away on steel, glanced at the Kobold skull. After he confirmed that Shi Feng had done it, he satisfyingly said, "Not bad, young man. It seems you do have the right to inherit my forging skills."

System: Hidden Quest 'Road Of Forging' completed. Player has learned Forging. Player has become a Basic Forging Apprentice. Player has obtained the Forging Talent, 'Forging Genius'. Rewarding 10 pieces of [Hundred Refinement Steel]

[Forging Genius]

After a successful forging, there is a fixed chance to increase 2 Proficiency Points.
Now all that's needed is a forging design."Deathly Forest is a must-go." Shi Feng thought.
Young man, you truly make me look differently at you. Even after so many years of forging weapons, it is still my first time seeing a Magic Weapon." Master Jack called out to Shi Feng. He had sent his gaze towards the pitch-black sword hanging around Shi Feng's waist. Even if the black sword was rusty and looked like a fire poker, it could not escape the eyes of a Master Forger.
Shi Feng pretend to be surprised when Master Jack stopped him.

"Young man, are you willing to let me have a look at this sword?" Master Jack looked at Shi Feng with eyes filled with a burning desire. His tone was no longer indifferent, but instead a little whispered.
Shi Feng agreed without hesitation. He passed the Abyssal Blade over to Master Jack.
Master Jack held the Abyssal Blade that looked like a fire poker, both praising the delicateness of the blade and marveling at its strength. After looking at it for over ten minutes, Master Jack unwillingly returned the Abyssal Blade to Shi Feng.

"Young man, this is a good and infinitely powerful sword. However, the curse on this sword is extremely evil. The more you unleash the power of this sword, the stronger the curse will get. At the very end, its wielder will become trapped in the endless Abyss. It will be too difficult if you wish to control this sword with your strength, and the curse will easily devour you," Master Jack earnestly cautioned.

Shi Feng knew about this point. Otherwise, he wouldn't have hesitated for such a long time before binding the Abyssal Blade.

"Master Jack, do you perhaps have any methods to weaken the curse?" Shi Feng asked.

Although he knew the weakening methods, he must still go along with the conversation .

"Young man, you should know that the master smith Olysses forged this sword. There is only one of it in God's Domain, and only one of the other thirty-five Famed Swords could match up to it. Many unimaginably terrifying existences were killed in order for these Famed Swords to possess unparalleled power. After death, these existences were sealed into each sword by master smiths. It was impossible to suppress these swords without extremely great power." Master Jack's tone was filled with unparalleled reverence, but he immediately smiled and said, "However, it isn't that there is no way to weaken the curse."

"May I ask what kind of method is there?" Shi Feng quickly asked.

"If you wish to suppress a great power, you would need an equally great power to do so. The power sealed within the sword is a curse. If you wish to weaken it, you will need to have sufficiently great luck." Master Jack lamented, "In the continent of God's Domain, some stones have gathered the luck of God's Domain. These stones are named Lucky Stones. As long as you have a Lucky Stone, then you could counterbalance the curse. Although this piece of stone could be found throughout the whole continent, there are only a very few people who could obtain it. Even I have not seen it before. Trying to find one is truly too difficult. If you can find a piece of this stone, then I can help you weaken the curse on your sword."

Seeing Shi Feng's slack expression, Master Jack shook his head in consolation, saying, "Young man, you have to know that the Lucky Stone is extremely rare. You shouldn't feel discouraged. It is normal not being able to find one. Only those who are blessed by God can obtain a Lucky Stone, and they are people that we cannot compare to."

"Master Jack, is it this piece of stone?" Shi Feng slightly smiled as he took out the dark-green colored Star Crystal.

"Right, this is a Lucky Stone......" Master Jack nodded his head after seeing the dark-green colored Star Crystal. However, he became stunned a moment later. He was looking at Shi Feng as if he were looking at a monster.

Shi Feng shrugged his shoulders, indicating that it was nothing.

"Master Jack, can you weaken the curse now?" Shi Feng asked with anticipation.

After a few moments, Master Jack finally recovered to his previous calmness. Pretending to be indifferent, he said, "Ok, no problem. I can finish it within half an hour."

Half an hour later, Shi Feng received the Abyssal Blade. He discovered some changes to the Abyssal Blade's introduction.

The Abyssal Blade was personally created by master smith Olysses, using the Black Dragon King's fangs as material. It is one of thirty-six famed swords, and it is ranked 31st. However, this sword has been cursed by the Black Dragon King. Aside from being able to provide the wielder with immense strength, there will be a Backlash every so often. However, after being remodeled by Jack using a Star Crystal, the strength of the Backlash has been greatly reduced. If the wielder is unable to suppress the Backlash, then the wielder will receive the curse of the Black Dragon King, permanently reducing All Attributes by 50%.
Shi Feng stored away the Abyssal Blade. The hen opened the guild chat of while river city and said:

"let's go dive into a Dungeon." Shi Feng sent message stating that they should go immediately.

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