Ch33:beautiful Mind

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As you may have noticed I'm repairing the timeline so merged some parts together to speed up the process.
Aqua rose became nervous again as she was afraid that if the talk doesn't go well it might affect the deal.

"Well I should indroduce my self first" Shi Feng said take off his mask revealing his ye Feng name and lvl 15 first.
He level up quite a lot when forging
"my name is Ye Feng as you might have guessed I'm the guild master of zero wing",

Aqua rose almost jumped from her seat when he took of his mask as there's zero wing also in storm empire so to be careful they decided to investigate the guild who reached the major cities so fast but found a giant behind them so they remained silent and of course there isn't many of them as they about or 100 so in front of there's more 5000 people so they leave them a city.

"nice to meet you sir" appearing more nervous.

"miss aqua must be wondering why I hide my face well it's actually very simple as people act like you now very nervous so please don't tell anyone. I don't even know why people act nervous around me as I never even once started a fight well I guess Starlink and the fang family must be very afraid. Anyway that's not important what I would like to know now miss aqua is what do you think about this game!? "

" Eh? It's a good game sir? "she answered quickly without thinking due to nervousness after taking about giants from her prespective.

" calm down first or should I put on the Mask" I made a small joke to lighten her her nervousness.

Hook she took a breath and started to calm down and then took the question seriously. This man is a giant so he may have noticed or even heard of something but for me the only information I know is that the corporations started to make a move. But yeah why would giant corporations make a such a move even though they weren't interested before now. It's true that behind every first rate guild a corporation but those giant don't move until they make sure they make profits does that mean this game is so much profitable.

"yeah sir it's really unusual now that I think about it as why would corporations make a move like this" she said after some thinking.

" good now why would you think that is I will give a hint who do you think can offer enough benefits to make these heavy asses eager to move like this?"

"green god corporation"
She didn't even hesitate and was sure she guessed right. It's a simple equation. Who can make the powerful ones move the answer is offcourse the more powerful.

"great now comes the billion dollar credit prize question, what benefits does it have to offer these people"

"upper zone or potions" credits!? no they have enough of that. Those people makes money to just spend it to live longer. And what is the best options to live longer. It's upper zone and potions.

"so here comes the difficult part, why" Shi Feng asked mysteriously

"Eh I don't understand sir?" Aqua rose said.

"I mean why would green god company offer to those people something like that?" Shi Feng asked

Aqua rose was flabbergasted! Eh!? Right why would green god company offer such resources for there own game. For profits maybe but they also have enough. For credits earned from the game,if that's true they would have sold the upper zone slot directly. Aahh I'm having a headache. No wait he asked what did I think of this game so that means green god company wants something from the game?! It doesn't make sense, right? why would the maker ask other people for something from his own game. There must be something I'm missing.

"sir the only guess I have is green god corporation wants something from the game but I don't understand.
why would the maker ask other people for something from his own game.?"
"Eh" came Lei bao voice who as been listening from the start. He is usually quiet and doesn't care about anything other than martial arts. But it's really weird so when he thought about he didn't get an answer so when he heard the answer he was really surprised.

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