"Unspoken Ties"

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The massive entrance gate of the company swings open, allowing a sleek Rolls Royce to glide into the premises. With impeccable style, a tall and strikingly handsome man, adorned in a sophisticated black three-piece suit, gracefully emerges from the driver's seat. He confidently strides towards the private elevator at the heart of the building, swiftly pressing the button for the top floor.

As the elevator doors slide open, he steps out into a hushed atmosphere, drawing the attention of all the employees present. The collective chatter dissipates into respectful silence as the man, identified as their boss, acknowledges the morning greetings with a subtle nod. Unfazed, he proceeds towards his corner office.

Upon entering, he exudes an air of authority, unbuttoning his tailored blazer and settling into the expanse of his plush chair. His phone, adorned with a prominent nameplate proclaiming "CEO Viyansh Singhania," takes a prominent place on the sleek desk before him. The room resonates with a sense of purpose as the CEO begins his day at the pinnacle of the corporate hierarchy.

Viyansh's POV,

Upon stepping into my office, my secretary promptly arrived, armed with a stack of files and a comprehensive rundown of the day's meetings. Admittedly, the workload is substantial, but given my workaholic tendencies, it doesn't faze me much. Interestingly, I find solace in the busyness of my professional life, perhaps as a deliberate strategy to keep myself distanced from home.

Now, let me share the underlying reason. You see, the motivation behind immersing myself in work is a bit nuanced. I haven't explicitly mentioned it yet. To put it plainly, I intentionally engage in the demanding hustle of my career to create a deliberate separation from my home life.

The reason behind my relentless commitment to work lies in my recently wedded wife. Now, let me clarify—this isn't about harboring any resentment towards her. In fact, it's a situation that unfolded due to my father's strong insistence, citing it as a fulfillment of his wish. My mother tragically passed away Nine years ago in an accident, and as a result of my father's persistence, I found myself entering into matrimony.

Surprisingly, I don't harbor any regrets about this decision. My wife is a kind and caring person, evident in how she selflessly tends to the needs of everyone in my family. Her warmth has won the affection of not only my siblings but also my father. Vihaan, in particular, regards her as a sister, their acquaintance dating back to their college days. As for Viraj and Virat, they affectionately address her as "Bhabhi maa."

Perhaps the most poignant aspect is my father's connection with her. Given that my parents had always yearned for a daughter but ended up with four sons, my father now sees in her the daughter they never had.

Two weeks have passed since our marriage, and the extent of our communication has been limited to a solitary conversation on our wedding night. Regrettably, during that brief interaction, I uttered words that I now deeply regret. In an attempt to manage expectations, I conveyed to her that she shouldn't anticipate much from our marriage, as I foresaw my inability to fulfill her expectations. Witnessing the tears in her eyes, filled with unspoken questions and sorrow, left me with a heavy sense of remorse. Before she could inquire further, I hastily departed the room, leaving a palpable void between us.

The following day, she overheard me engaged in a heated argument over the phone. Strangely, from that moment onward, she refrained from uttering a single word in my presence. I noticed a palpable fear in her eyes, accompanied by visible tremors, yet the cause of her apprehension remained elusive. Perplexed, I grappled with the mystery of her fear, especially since I had never directed any anger or shouts towards her. The unspoken tension between us became an enigma, leaving me to ponder over the complexity of our strained and unexplored relationship.

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