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,"Is he your husband mr.lee"
Doctor asked taemin who shook his head and tell him he is his only friend, so doctor thought if he should tell him or not but he have to tell this it's really important

,"Doctor please tell me what happened,"
Taemin asked , while getting worried for jimin !!

,"Mr.lee he is alright but please tell him to take care of himself, in this state he have to stop taking stress it's bad for baby "

'Baby'Taemin was shocked he couldn't believe jimin is pregnant, but how could ,he forgot jimin is married man but he also knew what is happening nowdays in Jeon family ,he thought it's his chance but,  his dream to make jimin his it's now impossible and when doctor said he is weak and if he didn't take care of himself and his baby than he could lost his baby !!

Taemin went back to jimins room and sit near him , held his hand , gently "I know you are stressed about your husband,but i promise i will take care of you and your baby "

In Jeon mansion no one is saying anything, there is a pin drop silence here ,but in Jungkook's mind he is thinking what his father said , next week he wants him to marry yuri and take responsibility of her baby , but he can't believe yuri is pregnant, but how could he forgot what happened that night!!

He is cursing himself, his one mistake ruin his whole marriage life , he love jimin , he thought to confess it on right time but that right time never come ,everything is messed up now , jimin already signed the papers and he is getting scared what if jimin knew yuri is pregnant, for sure he will kill her or maybe he will kill him

But he doesn't care if he do that , he just can't imagine jimin hating him more !!

He wipe his tears when yuri came and touch his shoulder

,"Stop crying kook , i know what are you thinking,i never thought  to break your marriage I know you love jimin and i ruin everything, am so sorr-y, it's all my fault, and if you really love jimin than don't think about us , this baby is a mistake and you don't have to marry me-e I will talk to appa he w- She stop when jungkook touch her shoulder and look into her eyes

,"It's not your fault, it's all my fault i cheated my husband, but b-ut only you can help me , please yuri talk to my dad and stop this wedding, i can't marry you , about baby i will take all responsibility of you and baby , but I can't give divorce to jimin , never,, you will help me ,right "  He ask her in hope , she would help him , but who tell him , that she is the one who break his marriage, and now she is regretting to even say these things to jungkook she thought he would agree to marry her to see her fake tears but no she broke her own feets with stone !!

,"Say something yuri " He asked her again and she nodded , she is cursing herself why did she said that , Now she have to help jungkook, he immediately get off of the couch and walk out

,"Where are you going kook " She said behind him

,"To see my love "

Meanwhile jimin already wake up and on the way towards his home , taemin told him he knows about his pregnancy and what doctor said, he knows he shouldn't take stress and it's not good for the baby

Taemin stop the car near park mansion and open the door for jimin

,"Thank you mr.lee but you don't have to help me ,i can walk by my own "

Jimin said , getting out of the car and again thank taemin , and walk inside his mansion but jimin forgot his reports so he also went in park mansion

,Jimin your rep- He was about to say his reports but stopped when he saw Jeon jungkook sitting on couch , and jimin is looking at him , who is standing on door , but jimin quickly walk upstairs and jungkook run behind him .......to be continued!!

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