Seul-gi: 23

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I couldn't take it any longer, I got up. I just felt Kris' presence following me towards the restroom.

"Kris, do you mind?" I said so he would get lost.

"I don't want you to miss the best part." He said that, and I couldn't hold my tears any longer.

I felt too weak to argue, so I just let him take me back. I saw a lot of people taking videos of the chaos inside the restaurant. I looked at our table to see Seohyun smile widely. She was on the verge of laughing, but I can tell that she's holding it in. From someone else's perspective, it would look like she's innocently smiling. But I know that smile. She did something.

"What happened?" I asked, Seohyun just smiled at me.

She pointed at the crowd.

I decided I've had enough with these guessing games. I went to the crowd, and when I saw what was happening, I was shocked. I felt dizzy, but I stayed still. I felt someone's hand on my back, and when I looked up, it was Kris. I watched them again. Yuri is in a heated argument with Sehun's friend, Minho, and the girl from the restroom.

"Will you stop it, Yuri?" Minho yelled.

"Stop it? You are cousins!" She yelled back.

"We all know I'm adopted, Yuri. Is that what you wanted to hear?" The girl, whom I know as Sulli, told her calmly.

"Bitch!" She was about to slap her, but Minho caught her hand. "Let go of me!"

"Try and hurt her, and I swear all of these things, from your money to your clothes, your unit, everything that you have will be gone!" Minho said that and dragged Sulli out of the restaurant.

Yuri threw a fit and cried. She's like a child. Sehun just went to comfort her. I stared at them. Does he like this? Hurting me? He's pretty sadistic, isn't he? I stared at them. When Sehun looked up, he saw me, I quickly turned around to leave. I felt Kris supporting me.

I told Seohyun my head hurts, and that I just want to rest.

"Hey, at least eat first." She said that calmly.

I just sighed. "Okay."

Our food arrived, but I already lost my appetite. I looked at Seohyun, who is still smiling. What did she really do?

"Seo..." I called her, and she looked up. "What did you do?"

"Hmmm. Let's just say Yuri's going crazy because nothing will be left of her?" She laughed. "Let's just say this is one of my past times. Making someone's life miserable."


I couldn't even smile as I left. I just feel so empty right now. But what's making me feel even weaker is the fact that they kissed. Oh wait, Sehun kissed her.

Is kissing anyone really that satisfying? I drove to the nearest club and went to the high stool. I ordered hard drinks. I texted Kris that I'm getting drunk tonight. He ordered me to tell him which club, so I did.

I drank the first shot of tequilla. Then I sucked on the lemon. Not really my type of drink, but this will do. If I want to get drunk, tequilla is my best shot. After a few shots, I felt a bit dizzy. Since I left my mini-bag in the car, I can dance freely!

I went to the crowded dance floor and danced with everyone. The music was so loud, but that's what clubs are for. Music, booze and dancing. I felt someone dance behind me, I just let it since this is a dance floor. But when it started getting too sexual, I quickly tried getting away.

From afar, I saw someone familiar. I'm not sure who he is, but when he saw me, he quickly recognized who I was. He came to me and dragged me to a less crowded place.

"What are you doing here?" He said.

"W-who are..." I trailed off.

"Ah, Mark. How's your injury?" He inquired.

"I'm doing good now!" I said and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Let's dance"

He hesitated, but went with me anyway. We both dance for a long time. I suddenly felt tired, so I excused myself. He just went with me, and we both exited the club. I went to the corner to sit down. Great! I can't drive now!

Mark sat beside me.

"Hey. You okay?"

I looked at him. But I was surprised to see Sehun.

"No..." I said frankly. "You are really driving me crazy." I said that and laughed. "Is it that easy for you to kiss just anyone?"

He also laughed.

"I didn't kiss anyone inside, Seul-gi."

I scowled at him.

"Not here, in the restaurant." I didn't hear him talk back, so I looked at him. I touched his lips. I felt him stiffen by what I did. "What would you do if I kissed you?"

He didn't answer.

But when I was about to stand up, he suddenly spoke. "I'd kiss you back."

I smiled at the thought and leaned against the wall. I grabbed his collar, and when we were on the same level, I kissed his lips. Slowly. He returned my kisses with softer ones, then a little bit hot. He tried to pry mouth open, and I did. I grabbed his neck and kiss him harder, slowly closing my eyes to feel his kisses.

I was surprised why he stopped, but when I tried to open my eyes, I already saw Mark on the floor. I looked around and saw Sehun's angry face. What's he doing here? I went to Mark's side and asked if he's alright. He just nodded.

Sehun pulled me up and dragged me to his car. I didn't have a choice since I'm too drunk to do anything anymore.

I just laughed at what he did. I took out the cigarette I secretly bought earlier and lit it.

He sat down the driver's seat, looking at me with wide eyes. I puffed the smoke outside the window. I heard him speak.

"I just left you alone, and here you are, kissing just anyone!" He said that angrily and slammed his seat. "Does it make you happy seeing me mad?"

"Why? Didn't you kiss someone else, too?" I said that frankly. "But I didn't complain, right?"

He looked at me with disbelief. "I don't want to see you hanging out with him anymore."

"But I will anyway. You're not my boyfriend." I said that, and he fell silent.

I quickly opened the car door and walked towards my car. I felt someone grab my hand. It was Mark. I smiled at him and apologized for what Sehun did. He just nodded and took me to my car. Even though my vision is a bit blurry, I know my car. I smiled at him and thanked him again.

"Don't do that to other guys, okay?" He said that.

"Do what?" I asked innocently.

"Kiss other guys." He said that and winked at me.

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