Seul-gi: 24

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I opened my eyes slightly because the lights are blinding. I looked around to see if I'm in my room. But the walls are a bit light- no, white- for my liking. Am I in a hotel room? I looked at myself under the covers, and I'm still fully clothed. Where am I, though?

I stood up, and went outside the room.

This isn't my unit! Where the fuck am I? I went back to the room and looked for a potential weapon. I saw a black baseball bat in the corner of the room. I picked it up and slowly went outside of the room, hoping I'd see whoever this fucker that brought me into this house.

When I stepped down the stairs, I saw a guy's back in a counter. He must've heard me walk down because he looked back, and to my surprise, it was Mark. Wait, what's he doing here? I put down the bat in shame and walked to him slowly.

"Where are we?" I inquired.

"My house. You hungry?" He offered the pancakes on the counter.

I nodded and sat beside him.


"For what?"

"For all the trouble I brought you last night." Last night. Damn it! Sehun was there!

"Nah, it was okay. It was for amusement." He said that and smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes and picked up a fork. I spread butter and started eating. I saw him stand up and mix something up. When he came back, he placed a cup of hot chocolate in front of me. I smiled and thanked him.


I drove home, then showered almost too quickly, then changed. For the lack of time, I just picked up a white oversized shirt, black skinny jeans and pink sneakers. I picked up my bag and my books and drove towards the school.

To make matters worse, I, unfortunately, tripped. I could feel everyone's stares, but I didn't mind. I quickly picked up my stuff, and when I stood up, I saw Sehun from afar. I saw him stare at me blankly. And as I expected, he walked past me. I'm not sure if I should be angry or thankful that he did.

I sprinted towards the building. Then to the restroom. I felt my heart beating so fast. Both because of what I did recently, and because of Sehun. I should be happy that he ignored me, right? But I'm not. I can't just say I'm okay with it. But at least I can pretend, right?

I went to our classroom, and as usual, our professor was discussing boring stuff. I almost fell asleep, it's a good thing he ended his discussion before I could actually fall asleep.

I quickly went outside to eat lunch.

I'm still a loner. I still have no friends, and it's because I don't really like talking to a lot of people. I don't want to be obligated to talk to someone just because that person knows me. But it's not a bad thing, right? I'm used to being alone, anyway.

I ordered some food and ate there. I looked around, feeling a bit uneasy. I was about to bite my burger when someone slammed the table. I looked up to see a very angry Yuri. I put my burger down and had a staring contest with her.

"Now, stupid girl..." She said and paused for a while. "Do you now know your place?"

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about." I sternly said.

"Well," She pretended to think. "That little accident you had was your fault, and everyone blamed me for it."

"Accident?" I raised a brow at her. Then I felt my head hurt.

I quickly took out my medication and drank it. The pain subsided, but not totally gone.

Then I saw Yuri's massive smile. What does she mean? What does this bitch want?

"Well, I told you, I'm going to make your life miserable!" She exclaimed and laughed. "Now I have Sehun, nothing's gonna stop me." She said that and walked towards the exit of the fastfood chain.

I unknowingly followed her, and before I knew what I was doing, she was already wet with the juice that I poured on her. She stiffened for a while, but when she recovered, she turned around and her face is extremely red. I felt a bit scared, but I'm not gonna back down.

"You're gonna pay for this, you bitch!" She yelled, and grabbed my hair.

I grabbed her hand, trying to remove it! I held in her hair, and she screeamed. I punched her arm, and she yelped in pain. She let go of me, and we were both catching our breaths. Will she ever stop? This bitch is batshit crazy!

"Why are you trying to make my life miserable, huh!?" I finally asked her. "Was it because of the small mistake before!? I got fired! Twice! Wasn't that enough!?"

"You think I'm that shallow?" She said that and laughed hysterically. "I am so fucking mad at you because you chose to love Sehun!"

"Is this it!? Because of him? Because of a fucking guy!? I didn't even know him before!"

"You didn't! But because you loved him, Minho chose our cousin, instead!" She said that, and I felt my eyes getting blurry.

But I looked at her blankly. So this is what it was all about? If that's the case, she's manipulative, but very stupid. She could've kept their family matters to herself, but she used other people for it.

I saw tears fall from her eyes, and when I looked at her again, Sehun was already beside her, caressing her back. Trying to calm her down. Sehun looked dumbfounded, but I don't care. I'm gonna say this in front of him so that everything about us, him, Yuri, Minho, Sulli and whoever is involved, would stop.

"I pity you." I said that, and she glared at me. "Because you love your family so much. You're misunderstood because of your attitude, but you love them both. And you're afraid of losing one of them." I said that and came to her side. I gave Yuri a hug. "So for you, I'm not gonna fight anymore. You can have Sehun, I don't care. You can keep fighting for your family, I don't care. Because I was never a part of it.

And everything that's happening to your family is none of my business."

I walked out silently, feeling my heart sink. This is it. I'm finally setting him free. I don't care if it breaks me, but if that's what it takes for her to stop hurting, and for her to stop hurting others, then so be it.

I weakly grabbed my keys, but it fell to the ground. I slowly bent down to pick it up, and held it tighter. I don't know where I got the strength to hold it tightly. I opened the car door, only to be closed again. It was Sehun. He held my hand.

"No, hey, we made mistakes last night, but please don't give up on me." He pleaded.

I just stared at him.

"Let's stop hurting everyone, Sehun. I'm tired."

He hugged me, and I felt my shoulders getting wet.

"I'm fucking tired, too. But I never thought about giving you up."

I cried, as well. "But I'm not strong, Sehun."

He knelt down and hugged my legs.

"Please, just do anything... But not this. Please..."

I could feel my legs getting weaker, and just when I was about to pull him up to stand up, I felt dizzy, and the place was getting darker, slowly turning into black.

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