Chapter 5

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"I have no idea you're the associate editor," I said.

"I get that a lot." He answered.

He's sitting with me right now. He is in his white polo shirt, black trousers, and a shoe that suits his outfit today. His hair was brushed up, so his forehead is seen right now. From my seat, I can smell his perfume, it's strong but not too much, he smells so good, his smell is perfect for her build. He looks so manly.

"May I ask why you joined our organization?" He asked.

He looks like he's trying to change the topic and he's trying to avoid his questions. I should just play along with him. It's not like I am already comfortable with him asking me a bunch of questions.

"I saw the poster outside the building, it was so terrible. Own greediness, I guess?" I answered and he giggled.

"That poster, I remember that. I don't know what came into Samuel's mind and he approved that, the media team was in shock when we saw that poster. We received a lot of criticism and complaints regarding that poster." He shared.

I nodded. I am not the type of person who's always responsive when it comes to conversation. I am the type of person who's going to listen and agree with everything, I validate someone with my body language. For me, nodding and agreeing is enough to convey my message.

"Are you two friends?" I asked.

He looks so shocked. "Yeah, since freshman year." He answered.

"Oh...nice," I said. I don't know what to say next.

He shared some factual information with me, including facts about the Chief. The chief and I are not close enough to call each other by first names, he's calling me by my surname and I am calling him in his position. I do not wish to be closer to him either.

What I want is to resign and leave this organization immediately.

Since I know that he won't give up his position just because I don't want to work with him, I have no choice but to endure two years working with him.

"Major in communication right? Artist as well? I heard facts about you from Ann, she's your fan." He said.

"Yeah, actually she told me that the first time we met at the office," I answered.

"If you're contemplating what to call me, kindly call me Ren, I prefer to be called by my first name plus there's no beef between us right?" He asked so I nodded.

I think Ren's way better than Chief. I wish Ren was the editor-in-chief and Chief is the other way around. I never felt so mad at someone, not until that guy looked down at me and tried to mock my skills.

"Alright, Ren. You can call me Gian." I said.

I spent two more hours with him, he kept on chatting with me while I just listened to him and sometimes gave him some replies but most of the time, he was the one who kept on talking. "Samuel's nice, don't worry about him, what you hear about him, if there's any, is not true. I know Samuel is sometimes scary and intimidating but he will never do something bad to someone. Just a reminder." He said and he stood up.

He offers his hand to me. "I hope we can be friends, Gian." He said and shook his hand to me.

After he left, I looked at my hand. Ren is the opposite of Chief. How come they become friends when their personalities are far different from each other? Well, mine is different from the brains too but at least we share the same goal, do they share the same goal too?

"Hey Gian. How are you?"

"We're looking for you."

"We roamed around and asked about you, why are you here?"

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