Chapter 13

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I glared at Vanih but she just laughed at me. A few moments later, Aunt, Laurene's mom called us over to their table.

"These are my girls. Laurene, my daughter, Vanih, Criz, and Gian, my daughters as well. Girls, they're the head of the Yu Company." Aunt introduced.

I bowed a little to pay respect. We shared a little information about each other and they spared us off. "I didn't know he was from the Yu's," Laurene said.

"I've known his name since the competition between him and Gian, I didn't expect him to be from a big family." Vanih shared.

"I thought about it before since his surname was kind of familiar, I just didn't expect that he's from this family," Criz said.

I had no idea who he was. All I know is he's the guy I competed with before and he's the only person that can make my blood boil today. I never thought that he was from this big and rich family, but then again, it just reflects his behavior. He's like this because he has power.

He can protect himself.

He can do whatever he wants.

He will survive whatever the circumstances will come.

We're opposite. I'm from a normal family, I don't have any powers, and I have to work hard first before I get whatever I want, I can protect myself but that's not enough, I will only survive if I won't stop striving hard because if I stop, I will go back to zero. I don't have backups.

This could be added to my list of why I hate his existence so much. We're the total opposite of each other. I could never understand him, and vice versa.

"Gian, he might melt with your stares."

"Let her. She's probably cursing at him in her mind right now."

"I don't think so, look at her stares, it's kinda..."

I looked at them and they immediately shut up. "I'm just wondering. Isn't he ashamed of his actions knowing that his parents are famous in the industry?" I asked.

"You said he's good at power right? He has power so why would he be ashamed? He's proud." Criz answered.

They talked about it while I just listened to them. I heard a lot of different opinions, I could agree with their opinion because we're thinking the same.

"I'll get some sweets. I feel so bitter right now." I said to them and I excused myself.

I went to the center to get some desserts. I want to wash away my thoughts with the help of these sweets. I got some cookies, brownies and chocolate biscuits.

"Can I get this one?" I asked the caterer and he nodded to me.

He put three macarons on my plates. The next thing he put is the mango graham. "Thank you, this is enough," I said.

There are a lot of desserts but I already have a lot on my plate. I was about to go but he's blocking my way. "Excuse me?" I said.

"Can I have some?" He asked while looking at my plates.

"There's a lot in there, you can get yours. This is mine." I said.

He shook his head. "I want this combination." He said.

"If you're trying to pull some shits here, please stop. We're not in the university for you to joke around." I said.

"Whatever. I just want these. Can I have some?" He asked again, he's trying to ignore what I said.

"No. Get yours. This is mine." I whispered.

Even though I tried to get in his way, he's so stubborn. He's blocking my way, left, right and front. I can't escape with him. He's twice my size and I have a plate and utensils in my hands, I can't push him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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