The Boss

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"Come in Seokjin, have a seat", Mr. Min says motioning to the chair in front of his desk. "You wanted to see Mr. Min", I ask. "You have been my assistant for a long time, Seokjin, I feel like I can trust you above all others, so I need to ask a favor of you", he says. "What do you need, sir", I ask. "I have to go back to Korea for a family wedding, I want you to come with me and pretend to be my boyfriend", he says. I am taken aback by his request, "sir." "Call me Yoongi, so that you get used to it, you can't act like my employee while we are there", he demands.

"I haven't said yes yet sir, I mean Yoongi", I correct myself. An evil smile crosses his face, "will you really say no, especially with your job on the line." I can't believe this, he's threatening my job, "so if I don't agree, I will lose my job." His smirk is very unnerving, because I already know his answer. I sigh, "okay, I will help you." "Don't worry Seokjin, you will be paid handsomely for your time", Yoongi says. "You are going to pay me", I ask surprised. He laughs, "just be packed and ready to go tonight, we have a late flight, I will send a car for you."

I walk out of his office and find Jimin waiting for me by my desk, "what did he want." I shake my head and start to laugh, "he wants me to pretend to be his boyfriend this weekend." "What, why", he asks. "I am not sure, we are flying to Korea for a wedding", I say. Jimin looks nervous, pacing and twisting his fingers, "Jin, I've heard rumors his family are in the mafia."

"What, no way", I say. "I'm serious, you have to say no", Jimin begs. "I can't, he threatened to fire me if I did", I explain. "He can't do that Jin, that's illegal", he cries. "Jimin, he's the boss and I'm not going to argue, it's just a stupid wedding, it's no big deal", I say getting annoyed. "He's paying you, isn't he", he asks narrowing his eyes at me.

"Yes, you know I can use that money, my mom will be taken care of if I do this", I say. He sighs, "I know Jin, I just worry about you, that's all." "I know and thank you for always being here for me, can you check in my mom while I'm gone", I ask. "You know I will, I'll let her beat me at gin rummy", Jimin laughs. I hug him, "I have to go, I have to pack, I'll call you later." After leaving work, I swing by the treatment center to see my mom before I leave and tell her that I am leaving town for work, that Jimin will check on her. 


Later that night I am getting into a limo, Yoongi sitting in the back scrolling thru his phone. "Good evening, Seokjin", he says. The man is gorgeous, and he does give off that bad ass vibe, maybe the rumors are true. "We have a long flight, the plane has a bedroom you can use, and I have the best chef on board, so if you get hungry, he can make whatever you want", Yoongi says looking out the window.

"Who's getting married", I ask. "My brother, Hoseok, its arranged but he and the girl have been dating for a couple years now", Yoongi says with a smirk. "Will you be forced to marry too", I ask. "I hope the hell not, because I won't do it", he says. "Do you have someone special", I ask. "Yes, this weekend, it's you", he says amused. I feel myself blush, "what exactly am I going to be doing."

Yoongi turns to me, "you are my trophy, you will do as I say, speak only when spoken too, look beautiful and be polite to everyone you meet." I nod, "I can do that." "If I kiss you, do not look surprised, we have to act like we have been dating for a while", he says. "Sir we are here", the driver says. He pulls onto the tarmac, stopping in front of an impressive private jet, "we can board, they will grab the bags."

I take Yoongi's hand as he leads me to the steps of the plane. "Pick a seat and make yourself comfortable, we'll take off shortly", he says. I watch him walk toward two men standing nearby, they were big and looked very intimidating, but I just shrugged it off and boarded the plane, grabbing a window seat and looking around the luxurious jet.

Yoongi walks in, taking the seat across from me, "my family has been told you are coming with me, and that you are my boyfriend." "Why exactly", I ask. "We have been dating for 8 months and we are serious, have even talked about marriage, you have been my assistant long enough that you know my likes and dislikes, so there shouldn't be a problem", he says. He totally ignored my question, why does Min Yoongi need a fake boyfriend. 

I must have fallen asleep because I am woken up by Yoongi, "we are landing soon." I sit up and straighten my clothes, "what time is it, did I sleep the whole trip." "It's almost 9am", he says. I lock myself in the bathroom, splash water on my face and brush my teeth, making me feel a little more awake. 

As we step off the plane, there is a limo waiting for us. Yoongi opens the door and I slide in, sitting in the car is the hottest guy I've ever laid eyes on. Yoongi gets in and closes the door, "Kook, this is my boyfriend Seokjin, Jin this is my baby brother Jungkook." Jungkook eyes me like I am his next meal, "my brother and I share everything you know." Yoongi sighs, "no we don't, stop being a creep and show some respect, Seokjin is off limits Kook, don't make me kill you."

Jungkook holds his hands up, "loud and clear brother, loud and clear, I just hope mom and dad accept him." The smirk on Jungkook's face scares me a little. What has Min Yoongi gotten me into.

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