The Player

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I stretch, letting the blanket fall off the bed, remembering I am naked, I smile to myself. I see that Tae is gone, and my heart drops a little. I get up and put my clothes on, walking out I run into Namjoon walking up the stairs, and embarrassment washes over me. "Good morning Seokjin", he says, smiling. "Good morning, Namjoon," I say shyly. He sighs, running his hand thru his hair, "Jin, if I would have met you in a grocery store, or a coffee shop, I would have approached you and begged you to go out with me, but unfortunately we didn't meet that way."

I look at him confused, "he won't commit to you, Jin. I hate that he did this, I should have warned you that he is incapable of loving anyone." I look down, tears threatening to fall, "it's okay, I am a big boy, I wasn't expecting him to fall madly in love with me or anything." "I am going to arrange a place for you, your friend, and your mom," he says. "Just till Jimin and I find jobs, then we will get our own place. My stuff is at Yoongi's, I need to get it," I say. "I'll arrange to get it for you, come with me and I'll get you some clean clothes to wear, you can shower in one of the guest rooms", he says leading me to a bedroom down the hall.

He returns, handing me some clothes and a new toothbrush, "those boxers are new, never been worn." I laugh, "thanks." He turns to leave, "Namjoon, I really am okay, I'd never force him into anything, and when it's time to leave this house, I'll leave with no regrets." "Good, you are way too precious to be used or hurt by anyone, especially him", he says. After he leaves, I sit on the edge of the bed, tears falling freely now that I don't have an audience. I remembered the things Yoongi told me about Tae, so I knew if anything happened between us, it would be one-sided.

After showering, washing off his touch, his scent, too bad I can't wipe away the bite marks, I feel much better. I dress in Joon's clothes, brush my teeth, and head downstairs. No one is in the dining room, but I notice the food and coffee sitting on the table. I am a little hurt that he hasn't even checked up on me, he did just leave me in his bed. I make a plate and pour some coffee, getting comfortable. "Hey," Namjoon says walking into the room. "I hope it's okay I am eating this", I say guiltily. He laughs, "yes, yes it's fine, enjoy, I wanted you to know that your mom and Jimin are on the plane as we speak."

Just then Tae walks in and stares at me, "whose clothes are you wearing." "Mine," Namjoon says. The anger flaring in Tae's eyes doesn't even phase Namjoon, but scares the shit out of me. "Why", he asks angrily. "My stuff is at the Min's, Namjoon let me borrow clean clothes", I say. "You could have asked me", he says softening a little. "You weren't there when I woke this morning", I say sarcastically. His fists clinch, and I can tell he is getting angrier. "Namjoon, can you give us a minute," I ask. He nods and walks out.

"Jin, listen," he starts. "Look Tae, we both knew what we were doing, I'm sorry I came into your office last night and did what I did, it was stupid," I say. "You regret it", he asks sounding almost hurt. "Regret, hell no, what happened last night is the best thing that's ever happened to me, but I am not a one and done type of person, and you aren't a person who commits, so it won't work, will it", I say annoyed. I turn to walk out, my heart breaking because I am falling for a dumb fool. 

"SEOKJIN", he yells. I stop, not turning around to look at him. "Let me speak before you walk away from me", he commands. I sigh, turning around and looking at him, "go ahead." "Please sit", he says pointing to the chair I just vacated. I sit and pour myself more coffee, waiting for him to speak. "Growing up was not a good experience for me, my mother was a whore and because of it my father took it out on me, every chance he got. I dont know what love is Seokjin, I have never been hugged, I have never been told by anyone that they love me", he pauses and sits in a chair across the table from me. 

"From the age of 6 I have been taught to lie, cheat, steal, and kill with no remorse. I dont feel sorry for people and I do not show sympathy, those are weaknesses that will get me killed. I fuck people and walk away, I dont kiss any of them, and I dont even look them in the eyes if I can help it. You are the first person I have ever taken to my bedroom, you are the first person I have ever made love too, and you are the only person I have ever kissed", he sighs, rubbing his hand thru his hair. 

"Taehyung, I was told that you are mean and uncaring, but I never imagined you growing up that way, how can your parents be so cruel to you", I say getting up and sitting on his lap. He allows me, wrapping his arms around my waist, I wrap him up in my arms and hug him tightly. He relaxes into my embrace, exhaling slowly, "Seokjin, I am dangerous, and I am not good for you, I cannot live with myself if something happens to you."

I pull away to look him in the eyes, "Taehyung, I am not afraid of you, I am not afraid of your lifestyle, and I am not afraid of dying. What I am afraid of is living my life without you, going thru life knowing that I am not here to protect and love you, so if you truly dont want me here, and you want me to go, then you will have to kill me, because that is the only way I am leaving you." He smiles, "you are going to make this difficult for me aren't you." "Holy shit, you can smile", I giggle. 

"Be patient with me baby, please, I am not used to all of this, but for you I am willing to try", he says pulling me in to another hug." "You like hugs now, dont you", I ask. "Only from you, now take those clothes off before I slit Namjoon's throat", he threatens. I laugh and kiss him, "is it bad that I get really turned on when you are being all mafia bossy and jealous."

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