The Beast

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Woo-shik and I climb into the limo about to head over to the wedding reception. Hoseok's ceremony was private and only consisted of the families but the reception is for everyone. "So am I playing your date tonight", Woo asks rubbing my thigh. "Yes, and if you are good, maybe you will be rewarded later", I say coldly. "You know I can be very good", he purrs. You would never know by looking at Woo that he is deadly and heartless, just like me. When I need someone to have my back, it's him I bring with me. He and I went thru similar upbringings, both of us had sadistic fathers. 

Walking into the reception, Hoseok and Aiko greet us at the door. "There you are, I was afraid you weren't coming", Hoseok says hugging me. "I wouldn't miss it for anything", I say. He then hugs Woo, "look for your names on the tables." I nod and walk into the huge room, where I see a dance floor and about 20 tables set up, all decorated with black, silver and pink flowers.

"Aren't black flowers bad luck", Woo whispers. I shrug, "I don't know anything about that shit." We find our names on a table not far from the bridal party table, I see Jungkook sitting at the bridal table, glaring at me. I wonder if Hoseok warned them I was coming. That's when I notice Yoongi walk in with Seokjin by his side, his arm wrapped around him possessively. I stiffen at the sight of him, fuck he's so beautiful. Yoongi kisses his temple and pulls a chair out for him at the table designated for the family, then Yoongi heads to the bridal party table.

I can't stop staring at him, I've never been attracted to someone like this before. My breath catches when he turns my way, making eye contact. He doesn't look away though, instead he smiles, holy fuck that smile, is he flirting with me. His eyes sparkle, and when he looks at me, it makes my stomach flip, fuck no, my stomach does not flip for anyone. I turn away disgusted at myself, I know better than to let someone get under my skin, so he is definitely off limits.

But in the end, it doesn't matter, all thru dinner, I cant help but to stare at him and he stares right back. When Hobi and Aiko have their first dance and Yoongi grabs him to dance, he stares at me over Yoongi's shoulder. When I ask Woo to dance, I notice the pout that forms on Seokjin's face as he watches us. What is he playing at, acting like he is upset that I am dancing with someone. I see him standing at the bar, sipping a drink, so I make my way over.

"Can I get a Jack and coke", I ask. "Sure thing", the bartender says. "You like the hard stuff huh", Seokjin asks. "You could say that, what are you drinking, would you like another", I ask him finally getting whiff of his amazing scent. Damn my mouth is watering for this man, I knew he would smell like heaven, "sure, whiskey, straight up." "Oh well watch out for you", I tease. He laughs, "I'm Seokjin, but you can call me Jin", he says holding out his hand. "Taehyung", I say taking his outstretched hand.

We've been standing here for quite a while talking and laughing, he is charming and so fucking adorable, he makes me forget everything going on around me, as far as I was concerned, its just him and I. "There you are baby", Woo says wrapping his arms around me. The fire flashing in Jin's eyes let's me know that he is not happy about the interruption and slams his drink down on the bar. "It was nice meeting you Taehyung", he says coldly and walks away. "Jin wait", I call to him. I glare at Woo, "get the fuck off me, what's the matter with you."

He looks at me confused, "I thought I was your date for tonight." "Get away from me", I spit. "Tae, we have to go, we have trouble", Namjoon says coming into the room. I look around for Jin, but I can't find him anywhere, "how did you get in here." "KIM", I hear someone yell.  I turn to see Yoongi stalking toward me, "stay away from Seokjin, he's mine." "Are you sure about that Min", I say smirking. "What did he tell you", he seethes. I laugh, "nothing, but you just told me everything."

I walk away looking for Hoseok, when I spot him, I explain to him something came up and we have to leave. "Thank you for coming Taehyung, you will always be my friend, right", he asks hugging me. "If you truly consider me your friend, you will give Seokjin my number, and tell him he better use it", I say. Hoseok's eyes go wide, but then his sunshine smile comes back, "you got it." We walk back out to our car, "drop Woo off first." "But", he says. "But nothing, you fucked up my night, you are lucky I don't put a bullet in your fucking skull", I say annoyed.

After dropping Woo off Namjoon explains what's going on. "Someone broke into one of our warehouses, they tried to steal weapons crates, but a couple of our guys detained them", Joon says. "Let's go", I command. "So you got close to Seokjin", he asks. "What's it to you", I ask annoyed. He throws his hands up, "just curious." "Don't be", I say. Thinking about the way he acted when Woo hugged me, I think he was jealous.

We pull up to the warehouse and head inside to find two guys tied to chairs, bound and gagged. "Talk to me", I say to my men. "We captured these two idiots trying steal some of the crates of automatics, there were three but one acted a fool and got himself shot", one of them says.  "Good job, now leave us", I demand. Once the door closes I start to circle my prey, "who the fuck do you work for." One of them smiles smugly, the other looks like he is going to piss himself, so natural selection plays a part and I pick the one that I know will talk.

I shoot the smug asshole between his eyes, "that is what you will get if you don't talk." He starts to cry, shaking and trying to form words, "th-the the Lee's, they said you would be at the Min wedding, that we should take advantage, please dont kill me, my wife just had a baby." "You want me to feel sorry for you when you just tried to steal thousands of dollars of guns from me, what about my family", I taunt. "I'm sorry Mr. Kim", he sobs. "What else do you know, why is Lee coming after me for guns", I ask curiously. 

"The Lee's have only ever dealt in drugs and petty larceny, but that business isn't as lucrative anymore with so many people dying of overdoses, Mr. Lee is always complaining", he says. "About what", I ask. "The money that you bring in from guns, so he wanted us to steal some so that he could start finding customers", he says. I shake my head, "that dumb bastard, what is your name." "Hao", he says. "Do you want to live a little longer", I ask. He nods vigorously, "yes please." 

"Spy for me, I want any and all information that you can get your hands on, if you can do that, I will let you live", I propose. "W-what if the Lee's find out", he stutters. "Don't fuck up and they won't, but you will have my protection if you can get me some good intel, now brace yourself Hao, it has to look like we caught red handed trying to steal before you got away", I say before punching him in the face. "Wait, I did hear something earlier this evening", Hao says. "What", Namjoon asks. "They are going to kidnap and kill someone, and Sun is involved", he says.  

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