The Puppet

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We pull up to Yoongi's family home and its huge, I step out of the car, my mouth hanging open at the size of this place. Yoongi stands beside me and in a low tone tells me not to worry, that we will be sleeping in separate rooms. I nod, breathing a sigh of relief, I feel a hand in mine and look to see Jungkook, "come on beautiful, let me show you around." "Kook", Yoongi scolds. But Jungkook doesn't listen, pulling me into the house. Yoongi follows behind and clears his throat when I notice two very elegant looking people standing in the doorway, "mom, dad this is my boyfriend, Seokjin."

Yoongi wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me away from Jungkook, "it's nice to meet you Seokjin, we were rather surprised when Yoongi told us he was bringing his boyfriend." The word boyfriend coming out of his mom's mouth sounds like a bad word, I shift uncomfortably until Jungkook pulls me away from Yoongi, "I am going to show him around, then I'll show him his room." His dad holds his hand out, "It's nice to meet you Seokjin, please make yourself at home, Yoongi, can I speak to you in my office please." 

"This place is amazing", I tell Jungkook. "It's okay I guess", he says. I look at him and roll my eyes, he really is very good looking the more I look at him, "you can say that, you grew up here." He chuckles, "come on, I'll introduce you to Hoseok, he's the reason you are here this weekend." 

Jungkook knocks on a door and we hear, "come in." The room we enter is huge, it's bigger than my whole apartment. "Who is this gorgeous man", a guy I'm guessing is Hoseok says. "Hey Hobi, this is Yoongi's boyfriend Seokjin, Jin this our brother Hoseok", Jungkook says. "Yoongi's boyfriend huh, that just doesn't roll of the tongue, does it", Hoseok says eyeing me up and down. "It's nice to meet you, congratulations on your marriage", I say shaking his hand. "Thank you, I have to admit my brother has great taste in men, who knew", he laughs.

Jungkook shows me to my room, finally leaving me alone. I let out a long breath that I feel I have been holding since getting off the plane. My room isn't as big as Hoseok's but it's not far off. I check out the bathroom and see a huge tub, "oh hell yea." I unpack my suitcase, get undressed and start a bath. Sliding into the hot water and bubbles, starts to relax me.

After drying off and getting dressed, there is a knock at my door. I open it to find Yoongi, dressed impeccably in a cream colored suit, luckily I was also dressed nicely. "You look incredible Seokjin, we are going to the rehearsal dinner, are you ready", he asks. He holds his hand out and I take it, leading me down the stairs where his family is waiting. "Jin, you look fantastic", Jungkook says. I smile, blushing a little, "thank you." The looks I am getting from Mr. And Mrs. Min send cold chills over my skin, they look almost angry.

At the restaurant, I meet Hoseok's fiancé, Aiko. She is gorgeous, and you can see that they are truly in love. Yoongi makes a show during dinner, putting his arm around me, pulling me to him and kissing me. "Yoongi, I have never seen you like this, you must really be in love", Aiko says. Yoongi grunts and goes back to eating, I can't help but to chuckle because I can't picture Yoongi loving anyone but himself.

When we arrive back at the house after dinner, Yoongi walks me to my room, "be ready by noon tomorrow, we will be leaving for the wedding." I nod, about to shut the door, but he stops it, I stare at him, wondering what he is doing. He cups my cheek, running his thumb over my skin. "You really are very beautiful", he says leaning in to kiss me. I pull back slightly, "Yoongi." He stops, "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." I smile, "it's okay, I'll see you tomorrow." I shut the door and let out a staggered breath, why did he try to kiss me.

The next morning, I wake with a pounding headache. I tossed and turned all night, not being able to get the image of Yoongi trying to kiss me out of mind. I don't know what he is playing at, but I know for a fact Yoongi is not into guys. I get up and start to get ready when I hear a knock at the door, I open it to a man holding a tray of food.

"Master Yoongi asked me to bring this to you while you get ready", the handsome servant says. I open the door for him and he sets it on the table, removing the lid and pouring my coffee. "Thank you" I say. He bows and leaves my room, the food smells so delicious my mouth is watering. I grab a pancake and munch on it, while I run a bath, pouring in the bubble bath. The coffee is really good, it's not the cheap stuff I am used too.

After soaking in the tub, I start to get ready, my one really nice suit I own is what I will be wearing today. It's almost noon when I finish doing my hair, spraying on some cologne, I am ready to go. I walk to the stairs and don't see anyone in the foyer, but hear voices in the kitchen. "There you are beautiful, Kook and I waited for you, everybody has left for the venue already", Yoongi says.

There is a limo outside waiting for us, we climb in and get comfortable, "you look gorgeous Seokjin." I blush, "thank you Yoongi." "He's not going to let you out of sight tonight, everybody will want to know you", Jungkook says. Only if Jungkook knew the truth and how Yoongi won't give two shits who notices me.

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