The Alliance

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We follow Tae to his office, and he motions for us to sit. "Jimin, tell me what you found out about Yoongi and his company", Tae asks. "Well, as you know I work in the accounting department. I love my job and I am good at it, I have always been great with numbers. Over the past couple months I've noticed a few accounts not adding up, funds keep going missing, and I couldn't find them", he explains. "Is that unusual", Tae asks. 

"Very, I noticed right away that numbers were different from my spreadsheet, then what was in the system. I was hesitant to tell anyone, I knew that someone was stealing funds, I just didn't know who to trust. Eventually I told my supervisor, that's when he started acting different, I knew I found something I wasn't supposed too.", Jimin says sadly.

"You are safe now Jimin, so please don't worry, but why do I feel like you may know more", Tae asks curiously. Jimin sighs, "I did my own investigation, I followed the money trail, it isn't Yoongi stealing it, but he knows it's happening." Tae stands and leans on his desk, looking intently at Jimin, "who's taking it." Jimin looks at him, "his uncle Min Seo." "Fucking hell", Tae says. I grab Jimin's hand, "you did amazing."

 "You seem like you know your shit, great with numbers, and great with tracing money, how would you like to work for me", Tae asks. "Seriously, I would love it", Jimin says excitedly. "Good because Namjoon would be really upset with me if I sent you back to New York", Tae teases. Jimin blushes, then looks at me, "what about my apartment." "They will take care of it, don't worry", I tell him.

Jimin leaves the office, and Taehyung walks over to me, wrapping his arms around me. He rubs his nose against mine, "I love you." I peck his lips, "I love you too, thank you for taking care of Jimin." "I know Namjoon has a thing for him, and it sounds like he is really good at what he does", Tae says. "He is, he is so smart it's scary", I tell him. "Namjoon and he will be perfect for each other", he laughs. A knock on the door interrupts our kiss, "WHAT." "The doc is here boss", one of his men say thru the door. "Be right there", he says kissing my again.

We walk back out to the living room, and I see my mom laughing with the nurse, I am glad they are getting along. "Doc, I want you to meet Abigail", Tae says. "Abigail, what a beautiful name, it is very nice to meet you, let's sit and talk for a bit and if you decide that you want me to be your primary doctor, we will set up an appointment for you to come to my office", the doctor says.

 "Doc, this is Seokjin, Abigail's son, he will also want to be kept informed on her medical care", Tae explains. "I'm going to stay with my mom while she talks to the doctor", I say. He kisses me, "I'll be in my office, I am going to set up a meeting to talk to Yoongi, Ill miss you." I can't help but to smile shyly, "I'll miss you too."

At the Min Mansion

"Boss, Mr. Kim is here", one of Yoongi's guards says. "Bring him in", Yoongi commands. "What is he doing here", Jungkook asks. "Maybe you should leave little brother", Yoongi instructs. "NO, I am tired of being pushed aside, I am an adult Yoongi, an adult that is part of this family", Jungkook yells. Yoongi scrubs his hand over his face, "you aren't going to like a lot of what you hear, you were warned." Jungkook didn't know what to make of that statement, but he knows his family can be devious. 

"Taehyung, Namjoon what do we owe this little visit", Yoongi asks. Taehyung looks toward Jungkook, "long time no see baby brother." "Shut the fuck up", Jungkook scowls. "He's not wrong Kook, why get upset", Yoongi says. "Are you actually letting him stay", Tae asks. "He can stay, he needs to learn, I can't protect him forever", Yoongi says. "Especially against his own family, right Kook", Tae teases. Jungkook glares at him, "get on with it and get the fuck out." Namjoon shakes his head, "still a kid." "Ok, let's get down to business, what do you want", Yoongi demands.

"Your uncle Seo, where is he", Tae asks. He notices Yoongi stiffen, "who wants to know." "Me, and if you are wondering, yes I am going to kill him, so if you tell me where he is, know that you will be ending his life, but a part of me thinks you might want that, don't you Min." Yoongi swallows hard, "Kook maybe you." "No, let him stay, let him know what your Uncle is capable of, let him know that his uncle has been threatening his brothers life", Tae says snarkely. "What is he talking about Yoongi", Kook asks. "You have Jimin", Yoongi says not asking a question. 

"And Seokjin as well, and they are under my protection until I get your uncle's head on a stake", Tae says. Yoongi sighs, "so you know what he was making me do, that fucking asshole." "Yoongi, talk to me, what is he talking about", Jungkook asks. "Kook, sit down and I'll explain", Yoongi says. "I never wanted to be part of the family business, you know this, dad knows this, that's why I left and moved to New York. I started my company, on my own, not a cent from dad, my hard work, it was something I was proud of. I became a fortune 500 company in a little over a year, one of Forbes wealthiest business owners, that's when uncle Seo started coming around", Yoongi paces the office. 

"He threatened me, told me if I didn't give him money that he would hurt you and Hobi, and as we all know Seo, I believed him",  he finishes explaining. Tae stands, "how much so far." Yoongi looks at him, conflict in his eyes, "at least a million and a half." "Fuck Yoongi", Jungkook says running his hand thru his hair. "You and Hobi are the most important people in my  life, I would die for you, a little a bit money is nothing I can't make again", Yoongi explains. "I'm going to find him and I am going to kill him, no blood will be on yours or Jungkook's hands, he stole from me too, so I have every right to get back what's mine", Tae says. 

"We haven't been friends in a long time Tae, but you know me better than anyone, I am proud of what I have accomplished and I be damned if I let that asshole take anymore of it from me", Yoongi says angrily. "Then it's settled, help me find him and I will eradicate him", Tae says. "I will put some people I can trust on locating him", Yoongi says. Tae looks between Yoongi and Jungkook, "I know that my dad fucked everything up between but I still love you like a brother Yoongi, and Jungkook, I know you and I have never looked at each other as brothers, but we are, like it or not. I have both your backs, not matter what, if either of you every need me, I will be there."

"Now let's find this mother fucker and get our fucking money back", Tae says. 

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