The Pay Day

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Throwing Jin on the bed, I start to remove my suit. "You better be naked by the time I get out of the bathroom", I warn. He scrambles to stand as I shut the bathroom door. After a quick shower, I wrap a towel around my waist and walk out. Jin is naked, lying on his stomach, scrolling thru his phone. I rip my towel off and climb on the bed, grabbing his foot. He gasps as my lips touch his skin, kissing his foot, his ankle, and then make my way up his leg.

He flips onto his back and pulls me down on top of him. "I missed you", he says, capturing my mouth with his. His fingers curl into my hair, tugging me closer. I groan from the pain, but it's delicious pain and I grind my cock into his. "Oh god Tae", he moans, thrusting his hips to meet mine. "Can I do something for you tonight. Will you let me", I ask. "Anything", he breathes. "Let me love you, let me show you why I love you as much as I do", I say, kissing his chest.

"I've never loved anyone before, and I love you more than I thought I was capable of", I say, pressing my forehead to his. Lying my body completely back on his, pressing him into the mattress, he grinds his hips into mine. "So responsive", I say, trailing kisses down his neck and shoulders. Jin flips us so that he is straddling me, "let me ride you, please, baby." I smile up at him, "my baby wants to please me, I like that. I need to prep you first." He shakes his head slowly, "I did already." He rises up higher on his knees and guides my cock to his entrance. "Fuck baby", I hiss as he slowly sits on my hips.

Jin leans down and kisses me, nipping at my lips, making his way down my chest. When his teeth scrap over my nipple, I almost lose it. He sits up, starting to bounce on my dick. "You are so fucking beautiful, fucking my cock", I groan. Grabbing his hips, I help him move on top of me. His moans and whines are driving me crazy, and I'm closer to coming than I want to be.

"You are mine, Seokjin, forever", I pant. "Yours", he repeats between moans. "Marry me", I blurt out. His eyes widen, and he smiles, "is that the sex or you." "It's me, it's all me. I love you, and I want you to be my husband", I say, thrusting one more time into him. "Yes, Tae, yes", Jin screams as he comes all over my chest. He collapses on top of me, both of us breathing heavily. He lifts his head and looks at me, tears in his eyes. "Yes, I want nothing more than to be your husband", he says. Rolling off me, he cuddles into my side, wrapping his arm around me. "I love you Taehyungie", he says sleepily. "I love you too baby", I whisper into his hair.

Hearing my phone go off, I wake from a deep sleep with Jin still clinging to me like a little monkey. Reading the screen, it's from Yoongi.

Yoongi - come to my house now

I slip out from Jin's grip without waking him. While cleaning up in the bathroom, I text Namjoon. Sitting on the bed, I lean down and kiss Jin. "I'll be back soon, I have to go to work", I whisper. "Be careful, I love you", he says. I kiss his forehead, "I love you more." Downstairs Namjoon is waiting for me. "What are you smiling about", I ask. "Same thing you are", he says winking. "So, you and Jimin then", I ask. "I'm in love, and it's awesome", he says smiling. I slap him on the back, "great isn't it."

Pulling up to Yoongi's, my driver tells the guard he is expecting us. The front door opens, and a petite woman greets us. "Welcome Mr. Kim's, Mr. Min is waiting for you both in his office", she greets. We both bow and make our way to Yoongi's office. Sitting in the chair in front of Yoongi's desk is Seo. "Well well well, what do we have here", I ask. "Seo has everything we asked for", Yoongi says handing me an envelope. I take it from Yoongi and open it. Inside is a key and the adress to a bank.

"Saftey deposit box, it contains all my offshore bank information. Yours and Yoongi's money is there, now give me back my family", he says. "Not so fast Uncle, we need to make sure all of this information is legit", Yoongi says. "I cant believe you are treating your family like this", Seo says. "Really uncle, maybe I learned it from you. You have stolen from both Tae and I, you have killed people because of your greedy actions", Yoongi says angrily.

"Namjoon, go back to the house. Get Jimin set up so he can search the informafion Seo's given us. Yoongi stay with Seo, Jungkook and I will go to the bank", I instruct. I slide into the passenger seat of Jungkook's car. The ride was quiet for a few minutes until Jungkook decided to ask me a few questions. "Do you really love him", he asks. I chuckle, "I do, very much." "And he loves you", he asks. "He does, surprisingly", I add. "You really fell for him, didnt you", I ask. He shrugs, "I was only around him a short time, but short or not, he made an impression on me."

"Yea, me too. Look, we cant hate each other for what our parents did, we are blood, along with Yoongi and Hobi. We need to stand together, not blame each other", I say. He sighs, "I know this, I just hate that man for hurting my mom." "He hurt mine too, and me. He wasn't there for me growing up", I confess. I feel his eyes on me, "you didn't miss anything, he lived in the same house with us and wasn't there for us either." "He is a piece of work", I say.

"Mr. Min called and said you would be here, may I see the key", the bank manager asks. After showing ID and the key he walks us into the vault. He unlocks his lock, and I unlock ours simotaniously. "I will leave you gentlemen to it, if you need anything just let me know", he says walking out. I pull the box out and open it. Inside are stacks of bills, deeds for random businesses, and deposit slips for 3 different banks around the world.

Jungkook grabbed everything and put it in the briefcase we brought. "Lets go back to the house, Jimin should be ready for us", I say.

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