The Aftermath

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Being woken up by a ringing phone is the worst thing possible. I feel Jin in my arms moving around. I kiss his neck and reach for my phone. "Whats up, this shit better be important", I growl. "He's dead and Aunt Dali is missing", Yoongi says. I sit up, not believing what I am hearing. "Namjoon and I will be right there", I say before hanging up. "Baby, I have to go. Ill be back before you wake up. I love you", I say kissing him. "I love you too", he says sleepily. 

"What happened", I ask Jungkook when I walk into the house. "Someone showed up at their house, they shot Seo and abducted Dali", he explains. "What the fuck, did the camera's catch anything", Namjoon asks. "They are checking them now", Jungkook says. I scrub my hand over my face, "fuck." "Sir, we found something", one of Yoongi's men says. We walk into the little office where they keep the security monitors. The guard hits play and we watch the screen as a car pulls up. A man we have never seen before gets out, gun in hand and breaks the front door down. There aren't any cameras inside the house but we see the flash from the gun firing and minutes later the man is carrying Dali out over his shoulder. 

Namjoon's phone rings, "I need to take this." He walks outside and I stare at the screen. "Look", I say pointing to the car. Yoongi and Jungkook both lean closer, "is that dad." "TAEHYUNG", Namjoon yells. I turn to see Namjoon running back in, pale and upset. "Jin has been taken. That was Jimin", he says panicked. I never ran so fast to my car, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook hot on my heels. Namjoon takes the keys knowing I can't drive right now. "Its dad Yoongi, dad did this", Jungkook says. 

"He must have forced Seo to steal from us. He was mad that I left the family business and hates Taehyung for being born", Yoongi says. "He had to take Seo out before he could tell us who put him up to this", I say. "Now he takes Jin, knowing he can hurt you that way", Jungkook says. When we pull up to the house, Namjoon and I see the guards in front of the house dead. Inside Jimin, Jin's mom and nurse are in the living room, hugging each other. Haneul, one of my men is standing guard at the door.

"What happened", I demand. "Sir, they killed the guards outside. When I heard what was happening I ran to Mr. Kim's room to protect him, but they were there already and they shot me in the shoulder. I must have blacked out because when I woke, Mr. Kim was gone and these three were tied up in a closet", Haneul explained. "Yoongi where would he take Jin", I ask. Namjoon holds Jimin as he cries and tries to comfort the two women at the same time. "Give me a second, I am trying to gather my thoughts", Yoongi says. "If he hurts one hair on his head, I will slit his fucking throat", I growl.


Opening my eyes, I see that I am in an office. My head is pounding and my hands are tied behind my back. Looking around, I notice the door is ajar and that's when I hear the voices. "Keep an eye on both of them, I have somewhere to be and won't be back for a few hours", a man says.  Both of us, I look around and see a woman on the couch, passed out. The door opens and a big guy walks in, "you are awake." It finally hit me that I am in big trouble and I throw up all over the floor. "WHAT THE FUCK", he yells. "I am sorry, My stomach hurts", I cry. 

"God dammit, get up", he says untying my hands. "Bathroom is right there, clean up and then you are going to clean this shit up", he orders. I run into the bathroom and shut the door. Washing my hands, I look in the mirror and notice the window behind me. I check to see if it will open and when it does, I look out. I am on the second floor of a house, I can make that jump. But then I remember the woman on the couch. I dont know who she is  and I need to think of my baby. 

I climb out the window and drop, immediately hearing a snap. I try to stifle my cry so that nobody hears me. I hurt my ankle but manage to stand and hop away from the house. I have no clue where I am but notice a few house across the street. These houses are huge, bigger than Tae's house even. My ankle is getting worse and I fear I wont get far before they capture me again. That's when I see two kids playing in their front yard. 

"Excuse me, is your mom or dad home", I ask them. "Oppa, are you okay, you are bleeding", the little girl asks. "I need a phone, please. I dont feel so good", I say. That's when I notice the blood running down my leg. I hear the little girl tell her brother to go get their dad and a few minutes later a man is trying to hold me up. "I have called an ambulance", he says. "Don't let them take me again. Can you please call my best friend", I ask. I give him Jimin's number because I dont know Tae's by heart yet. 

I hear the sirens and I tell the man, pointing to the house, "they kidnapped me, please dont let them get me again." And that's the last thing I remember. 

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