The Target

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It's hard to walk, but I somehow make it up to my room. I need to shower and change my clothes before seeing my mother. I know I look fucked out, Tae was relentless, what a turn on. Watching him torture someone, being so dominant and brutal, the blood and Ye-Jun's screams did something to me. The hot water on my body starts to relax my muscles, and exhaustion starts to creep up, until I feel a chill on my skin. Arms wrap around me, and I lean back into him, he whispers, "wash me, baby."


I turn in Tae's arms, and I'm taken aback at all the blood on him. "It's not mine baby, don't worry", he says. "What happened after you dropped me off", I ask running my fingers thru the blood on his chest. "Namjoon said that Hyeon's guards were giving him trouble, so I went to help. I think Hyeon is going to have to hire more guards", he laughs. I attack his mouth, fuck why is that so sexy. He lifts me, pressing my back to the wall and entering me in one swift thrust of his hips.

I cry out because I am sore from earlier, but I don't fucking care, I need this man. "You are mine Seokjin", he growls. Wrapping his hand around my throat, he squeezes and I come instantly. "Taehyung", I try to say but it's hard with my airway being constricted. He continues his assault on my ass and I am trying to keep from falling apart, this man is going to ruin me. "Fuck Seokjin", Taehyung grunts as he releases into me.

He rests his head against my chest, trying to catch his breath. He sets me down and wraps his arms around me, "are you still upset with me." "Should I be", I tease. "No, I don't like it", he pouts. "Big mean mafia boss can be whiny, interesting", I giggle. He scowls and pokes my sides making me laugh, "that tickles." I turn the water off and step out, handing him a towel and wrapping one around myself. "Tae, I can't brush my teeth when you are hanging on me", I laugh. "I don't want to let you go, Ye-Jun kissed you and I hate it", he says. I roll my eyes, "it wasn't a real kiss. I did it to distract him."

"I know", he kisses my shoulder and walks out of the bathroom. He's sitting on my bed when I walk out of the bathroom, the way he is staring at me sends shivers down my spine. I straddle his lap and push the wet hair off of his forehead, "do you want to go with me to check on my mom, I know she would like to see you." "Mom crushing on me", he asks with a cheesy smile. "Whatever", I say trying to get up but he holds me in place. "Jealous", he asks grabbing my ass. I lean in and kiss him, "how could I not be, look at you."

He flips me onto my back, "watch your mouth Seokjin, I may take you again and I know you are sore." "Ill behave, let's get dressed so we can see mom and Jimin", I say pushing at his chest. "I want you to move into my room, tonight", he demands. Pulling a t-shirt over my head, "are you sure, I don't want you rushing anything, you are new to all of this." "I'm sure Seokjin, I want you with me all the time", he says. I nod, "okay." He leaves to get dressed, so I finish getting ready too.

(Author POV) Meanwhile at the Min Mansion...

"Yoongi what is going on, where is Seokjin", Jungkook asks. Yoongi sighs, running his hand thru his hair, "I think Sun has him, as a way to get back at me for not marrying her." "She will kill him, you know she is unstable, especially when it comes to you", Jungkook argues. "I'll figure it out Kook, calm down, now leave me, I have work to do", Yoongi says, shooing Jungkook away. Hoseok watches as Jungkook leaves Yoongi's office, once he is out of site he places his ear to the door.

"Did you find Park Jimin yet", Yoongi asks. His voice raises, "WHY THE FUCK NOT, what about Seokjin's mother." Hoseok leans closer to the door, who is Park Jimin and what does Yoongi want with Jin's mom. "Where the fuck could she go, she is on her death bed, you are an idiot, FIND THEM", Yoongi yells. Hoseok backs away from the door, and heads back to his office to make a phone call. Yoongi paces his office, wondering what to do next, he stops when his phone rings.

"Sun, what is going on, where is Seokjin", he demands. "Yoongi, my idiot brother let him get away", she says. "How the hell did he do that, what happened", he asks. "Someone came in and took him, they knocked Eun out, so he didn't see who it was", Sun says. Yoongi sighs, "this whole plan is not working the way I planned it." "What exactly is your plan Yoongi", Yoongi turns toward the door and sees Hoseok leaning against the door frame.

"Ill call you later", Yoongi says hanging up on Sun. "Eves dropping doesn't suit you Hoba, what do you want", Yoongi asks angrily. "What the fuck is going on, where is Seokjin and why did you bring him here", Hoseok asks confused. "Stay out of it, I love you, you are my brother but this doesn't concern you, this is my shit", Yoongi says. Hoseok steps into the room and hugs his big brother, "are you in trouble, do you need help with anything." "I wont be once I find Park Jimin", Yoongi says.

A shiver ran down Hoseok's spine at the tone in his brother's voice, he doesn't know what Yoongi is into, or who Park Jimin is, but he knows its not good. "You know if you need help, Kook and I are here for you always", Hoseok tells him. Yoongi holds Hoseok at arms length, "I know, and like I said, I got myself into this, I need to get myself out." Hoseok hugs his brother again and walks out of his office. He knows where he needs to go to get his questions answered.

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