The Savior

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Bright light hits my eyes when I wake up, my head is pounding, and my eye hurts. Looking around, I don't see anyone in the room with me. "Hello, is there anyone here", I call out. When no one answers, I twist my leg behind me so that I can grab my phone out of my sock, I immediately send Taehyung a text.

Jin - I don't know where I am, please help me.

Unknown - Hide your phone but keep our chat open. We will find you.

I look around and realize I can hide my phone behind the pipe I am handcuffed, too. Making sure it's on silent, I slip it between the wall and the pipe. The door opens, and Scar walks over to me, squatting down so that we are eye to eye. "My sister ordered me to kill you, but I just can't bring myself to do that," he says. "Y-you can't, why," I ask. "Nope, I like you and I believe you when you say Yoongi is using you to get out of this marriage," Scar says sitting in front of me.

"You believe me," I ask surprised. "Yoongi does not like guys, and everybody knows it. He's never hid that fact about himself", he says. I let out a breath, "thank you, thank you, can I go." "Don't thank me yet beautiful, there's something I want in return for letting you go", he smiles evilly. "W-what do you want", I ask scooting away from him. He grabs my foot and pulls me back toward him, "to taste you."

He leans over, trying to kiss me, when the door breaks into pieces. A gunshot rings out in the room, making my ears ring, "get the fuck away from him Eun." That's Taehyung's voice, I open my eyes to see some guy holding Eun and Taehyung kneeling down in front of me. "Are you okay", he asks unlocking the handcuffs. "I'm dizzy, and I'm really thirsty", I say. I grab my phone from behind the pipe and try to stand. I wobble a bit, but Taehyung wraps an arm around me, holding me up.

"I'm not going to kill you Eun, I will let your sister do that, but if you or your psycho ass sister ever come near Jin again, I will slit you open from groin to gullet", Taehyung says. Fuck that's hot, what the hell is the matter with me, this man is dangerous, and I am drooling. Once we are in the car, Taehyung looks me over, "did they hit you anywhere else." "No, just my face", I pout. The guy with Taehyung hands me a bottle of water, "hi, I'm Namjoon." "Back to the house", Taehyung tells the driver.

Pulling into the driveway, I am in awe, it's not as big as the Min's mansion, but it's much more beautiful and homier looking. Taehyung helps me out the car, "thanks, I'm still a little dizzy." He wraps his arm around my waist again and the butterflies explode in my stomach, "let's get you looked at and some food in your stomach." "The doc is here already Tae, I'll have Lyn start dinner", Namjoon says going into the house first.

"Come sit so that Doc can look you over", Tae says. "Can I call you Tae or do you prefer Taehyung", I ask. "I'm fine with either", he says. "Move Taehyung, let me look at our patient", the doctor says sitting in front of me after Tae moves. "Oh yes, you have quite a nice handprint on your cheek", the doctor says. "He says he's dizzy", Taehyung says. "Let me check for a concussion", he shines a light into my eyes and asks me a few questions. "I think you are okay, but I will check on you again tomorrow, get some rest", he says.

Tae takes my hand, "let's eat." "I look horrible, don't I", I pout. "You look beautiful, stop worrying, and stop pouting like that, I may not be able to control myself", he says darkly. My eyes widen, "what do you mean." He chuckles, pulling me to the dining room where Namjoon is seated. A plate of delicious smelling pasta is set in front of me and I close my eyes as I take in the aroma.

"Jin do you have any questions for us about what happened tonight"  Namjoon asks. "Ummm that was Yoongi's fiancé, the one that wanted me killed, right"  I ask. "Yes, Lee Sun has been promised to Yoongi since they were teenagers, that's why Yoongi ran away to New York", he says. "She showed up at the wedding, he put me on display in front of her and she got angry"  I tell them while I stuff food in my mouth. "Are you Yoongi's boyfriend", Taehyung finally speaks.

The dark look in eyes while he waits for my answer sends chills up my spin, I bite my bottom lip, "no, I am his personal assistant, he threatened me with my job to be his fake boyfriend." "Stop biting your lip, why you", Tae asks. My heart starts to race when I notice him lick his lips and I almost outwardly groan, but thought best to hold it in. "I have been his assistant since he started his company, he said he trusts me over anyone else, he said I would be his trophy to show off", I explain.

"So you know nothing of his illegal activity", Namjoon asks. "Yoongi has two calendars, one with meetings I have to attend and one with meetings I am not allowed to attend. I always felt he had dealings with shady people, but it wasn't my place to care", I say. "He's been stealing money from some of his clients, and someone in the financial department has caught on, we thought it was you, and he brought you here to shut you up, but we are wrong," Namjoon says.

"My best friend works in the finance department, what if it's him and Yoongi brought me here as some kind of sick blackmail, oh god and my mom, they are all alone in New York, I have to go back," I say standing and starting to pace. "NO," Taehyung bellows. I freeze and look at him, wide-eyed. "You will give their information to Namjoon, we will bring them here, where I can protect them", Taehyung says. "My mom is sick, she shouldn't be travelling", I say. "Don't worry about her, she will be in good hands, I promise", he tells him. "I better call Jimin", I say walking out of the room.

I walk back into the dining room after talking to Jimin, "I let Jimin know what is going on, Taehyung he is the one that found the discrepancy in the financial records." "It's a good thing we are bringing him here then, if Yoongi finds out he won't be able to hurt him. What is wrong with your mom", he asks standing and walking over to me. "Breast cancer, she is fighting hard, we are praying for a good outcome", I say looking down at the floor. He lifts my chin with his finger, looking into my eyes I see the lust and heat in his. My breath catches as he moves closer to me, then just walks away, leaving me breathless. 

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