The Anti-Hero

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"Hey boss, we just got word that Min Yoongi has landed at Incheon International about an hour ago", Namjoon, my head of security tells me. "Do we know why he is back", I ask. "Hoseok is getting married", he says. I look at him with questions in my eyes and he answers, "he isn't marrying Lee Sun is he, I thought that spot is still reserved for Yoongi."

"No, Hoseok is still with Aiko Hamada, here", Namjoon says handing me an iPad. I hit play and watch the video of Yoongi exiting the plane, but I sit up straighter when I see the man walking behind him. "Who is that", I ask. "We don't know, but I have your men working on it", Namjoon says. "I want to know as soon as you find something", I command. "Yes sir", he says walking out of my office.

I look at the paused video, I can't help but to stare at the gorgeous man with Yoongi, "is that his boyfriend, it can't be." I pour myself a glass of whiskey, drink it down in one swallow. The Min's have always been in competition with the Kim's. When my father died two years ago, I took over as head of the family, Min Hai, Yoongi's father, didn't think I could do the job and tried to take over. I proved him wrong when I took control of parts of his terrority and killed half his men.

Yoongi and I used to be best friends when we were little, in secret, of course, because of our families. But when we were 9, my father did the unthinkable and slept with Yoongi's mom, producing Jungkook. Yoongi stopped talking to me and Jungkook and I have never seen each other as brothers, he was raised to hate the Kim's, and has become very good at it. Yoongi left right after high school and moved to New York after finding out his family was arranging his marriage. He put himself thru college and opened an investment company and has become very successful. He wants nothing to do with the family business, he never has.

A few hours later Namjoon walks into my office, "you ready to go, he is at the warehouse." I stand, putting on my suit jacket, "let's get this over with." My warehouse, as we call it, is a building on the outskirts of the city. We use it for various activities, but we always have the most fun when we torture people.  A man sits in the room, tied to a chair looking scared and pathetic, but that doesn't deter me from my goal.

"T-Taehyung", he stutters when I walk in the room. "Wei, you look nervous, why is that", I ask with venom in my voice. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that he was stealing from you, I thought he was my friend", Wei cries. "You brought him to me, you told me that he was trustworthy, you lied Wei, and now you have to die", I threaten. "Let me talk to Chul, I'll fix this, I promise I'll get your money back", Wei begs. I can't help but laugh, "good luck with that, I ripped his throat out a couple days ago and I am sure his family loved finding him at their front door." Wei swallows hard, trying not to cry, "just know I am sorry, and I thought he was my friend."

"Seems you thought wrong", I say grabbing his hand. I slap it on the table and watch as Namjoon chops off three of his fingers. His screams are ear piercing, but welcomed, "this is a warning Wei, disappoint me again and not only will you die but so will your family." He starts to cry, thanking me and promising never again. Namjoon and I head back out to the car when his phone rings, after hanging up he grabs the iPad and uploads a file.

"The guy with Yoongi, his name is Kim Seokjin, we are trying to get photos, but all we know is he is Yoongi's assistant", Namjoon says. "His assistant, why bring him here, you sure he isn't Yoongi's boyfriend", I ask. Namjoon shakes his head, "doubtful, I don't think Yoongi swings that way." I stare Namjoon, confused at what Yoongi has planned exactly, "so why bring him."

I walk into my house, immediately greeted by my housekeeper. "Mr. Kim, this was delivered for you", Soo says handing me an envelope. I hand it to Namjoon who opens it, "holy shit, it's an invite to Hoseok's wedding." I eye the envelope, "what are the Min's playing at." There was a time that Hoseok and I were good friends, regardless of our family troubles, "I'm guessing this is Hoseok's doing, I wonder if his family knows he invited me." 

Sitting behind my desk in my office, I dial Hoseok's number. "hey its me, I got your invite, are you sure about this, does your family know." "Hello stranger, I thought you lost my phone number, yes my family knows and they are pissed, but I don't care you are my friend and I know you are happy for me", Hoseok says happily on the other end of the line. "I should be, I practically set you two up", I say. "Please say you are coming", he pleads. I chuckle, "I'll be there", I promise. "Are you bringing someone, you get a plus one, you know", he teases. 

After hanging up with Hoseok, I dial Woo-shik's number. Namjoon comes into the office just as I hang up the phone, "looks like I'll be attending Hoseok's wedding." "That a good idea", Namjoon asks with skepticism in his tone. I shrug, "Hoseok says his family knows, Im bringing Woo with me, just in case." "Good idea, if I went, they would know we expect trouble", he says sitting in the chair in front of my desk. "I agree, any more info on Yoongi's new friend", I ask. "Nothing solid, but Ahn did send a picture he took with his phone", Joon shows me his phone.

"Not a great picture, but he looks hot", Joon says. "Yes he does", I say. "Ahn says the picture doesn't do him justice, that he is drop dead gorgeous in person", Joon says. "Well then, it seems going to this wedding may be fun after all", I say leaning back in my chair. 

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