The End

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A/N Not my pic above. If creator wants me to remove I will. These new AI picks are awesome. 


A few years later

"Daddy, can I have some chocolate milk", my 3-year-old son, Leo asks. "Yes baby, do you want to help me take papa his lunch", I ask him. "Yes, yes. Is he unsleeping", he asks. I look at him and laugh, "yes, papa is unsleeping and he misses you very much." I pick up the tray of food, "grab your cup and let's go see papa." "Papa, papa", he sings running into the room. "Don't jump on him Leo. Climb up nicely, you don't want to hurt your sister", I remind him. "Hi baby", Jin says hugging Leo. "Hi papa, hi baby sister", he says kissing Jin's stomach. 

"Hi, my love, I have your lunch", I say setting the tray on the nightstand. He pulls me to him and kisses me, "Hi honey, thank you. I hate that you have to wait on me." "I don't mind at all, as long as you and our baby girl are safe", I say kissing him again, and then kissing his stomach. I go into the bathroom to get him a wet cloth and walking out I can't help but to stop and watch him and Leo. He hands him half of his sandwich and Leo takes a bite, then holds it to Jin's mouth, "I want to feed my sister." Jin laughs and takes a bite. They then proceed to have one of their conversations that only they understand.

The day Jin was taken from me was the worst day of my life, but when Jimin received a phone call from an unknown number, I knew it had to be Jin. The man told us that an ambulance took Jin to the hospital and that his neighbors are the ones that hurt him. Namjoon and Yoongi went to the address the man gave us, while Jungkook, Jimin and I went to the hospital. The doctor told me that the baby was in distress but was okay. Jin ended up being on bedrest the rest of his pregnancy because when he jumped from the window, he not only broke his ankle, but he also tore the placenta from the uterine wall. 

It was a small tear but serious enough for the doctor to worry, putting him on bed rest for the rest of the pregnancy. Jin hated it but knew that for our baby's health he had to do it. Now he is pregnant with our daughter and because of the trauma Jin went thru with Leo, the doctor put him on bedrest after his 3rd month. He is now due in a couple weeks, and I know he can't wait, he is going crazy being stuck in this room. Yoongi and Namjoon found Aunt Dali and the guard who was watching them. He sang like a bird fingering Mr. Min as the mastermind behind everything. He was tried and convicted of over 10 charges and they all stuck, so now he is serving a life sentence.

 "What's wrong love", he asks. I push off the door frame, "nothing, just watching my babies." I hand him the wet cloth, and he wipes his and Leo's hands. Jin finishes his lunch and I take his plates downstairs. "Daddy, uncle Jimin and Uncle Namjoon are coming to the door", Leo says. I open the door, letting them in. "Hey, we came to see Jin", Jimin says handing his son to Namjoon while he takes his coat off. "Say hi to Uncle Tae", Namjoon says to Yeong. "Hi samchon", he says shyly. "You guys can go up and see him", I say. 

Leo and I are watching a movie when I hear a scream. Running upstairs, Namjoon comes out of our room. "His water broke, go get the car", he says panicked. "Already, it too early", I say. "Go Tae, we will help him downstairs", Jimin yells out. I pull the car around and call Jin's mom, asking her to meet us at the hospital so that she can stay with Leo. I then call Yoongi and let him know to meet us there as well.

After 6 hours, a healthy 7 pound, Kim Lela is born. The birth was easy and Jin didn't suffer any setbacks giving birth to her. He is asleep right now and I am holding my new baby girl. "My turn", Yoongi says making grabby hands. I hand her to him and call my mother in law to check on Leo. I send her pictures of Lela so that she can show Leo his little sister. "All of you get together, let me take a picture of her with her dad and all her handsome uncles", the nurse says giggling. "She is the luckiest little girl", another nurse says. 

"Mr. Kim, your husband is awake", a nurse tells me, coming out of his room. "Hi baby", I say kissing him tenderly. "Where is she", he asks groggily. "Being spoiled. I will get her for you", I say. I bring Lela back to her papa and she looks at him with such awe in her eyes. Even she sees his beauty. "Look she's smiling", I say. Jin giggles, "she's farting." I kiss Jin on the head, "you did so good love. Look at her, she is so beautiful." He looks up at me, "big bad business man with tears in his eyes." 

"I used to think I was big and bad, but you made me realize I didnt need to be. You made me realize there is more to this world than money and power", I say, trying to hold back the tears. He reaches up and wipes a tear from my cheek. "What is more important than either of those things", he asks. 

"Love", I say kissing him deeply. 

"You better watch it, that's how we got this one", he laughs.

The End

Whooo another one done. More to come. Love you guys, I hope you liked it!!

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