The Pawn

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"Hi momma", I say walking into her room. "Hi baby, you look so handsome, are you going out with Taehyung", she asks grabbing my hand. "Yes", I blush. "I like him, he is very handsome, what does he do for a living", she asks. This was the question I was afraid of, "he runs his family's business, he took over when his dad passed away." "Oh that poor boy, to lose a parent so young, you know I think that tall boy with the dimples, has taken a liking to our little mochi", she giggles.

"I noticed that too, I've never seen Jimin so smitten either", I laugh. I lean down and kiss her cheek, "I will come check on you when we get back, if you need anything just call the maid, Taehyung wants to get you a full time nurse." "He doesn't have to do that, I feel like just bringing us here is enough", she says. I pat her hand, "get some rest, I'll be back soon." "Have fun baby", she says.

I walk downstairs to see Namjoon waiting, his eyes widen when he sees me. "Fuck Seokjin, you look amazing", he says. I laugh, "thank you, so do you." "Before Taehyung gets here, I want to warn you about something", he says. "You are scaring me, what is it now", I ask. "Hyeon has a daughter that has done everything in her power to get Taehyung to notice her, Aera will be there tonight and she will be all over Tae, just be strong and remember it's Ye-Jun you want to attract", he explains.

I smile, hoping I look strong on the outside, because I do not like what I just heard, "thank you Joon for the warning, don't worry, Ye-Jun won't be the only man begging to be near me." Namjoon laughs, "they better watch out for you, don't worry, I'll be there too, you won't be in any danger." "You two ready to do this", Tae says coming down looking like a God. He smirks, "like what you see baby." "Very much", I say running my hands up his chest. He growls, "we could stay home and make some bad decisions with each other." I smile, "when were you going to tell me about Aera."

"Ah, fucking Joon, damn you got a big ass mouth", he says. "So you weren't going to warn me", I say angrily. "I didn't think it about, I forgot all about her, honestly Seokjin", he says. "So I am supposed to let it happen and not yank her hair out of her head when she touches you", I ask innocently. "Yes, I will do my best to keep her at arms length, but you have to behave and get Ye-Jun to notice you", he says wrapping his arms around my waist. "Oh don't you worry, he will notice me", I say pushing Tae off me and walking out to the car.

Walking into the party felt like I was walking into some elite fashion show, I felt very underdressed. "Taehyung, Namjoon welcome, who is this beauty", the older man asks taking my hand in his. "This is Jin, he's new to my security detail, Jin this is Bin Hyeon", Taehyung says glaring at the man who is touching me. I bow and pull my hand away, "nice to meet you Sir." He hums, licking his lips, finally taking his eyes off of me he looks at Taehyung, "Aera is looking for you." Tae looks at me and I roll my eyes. 

"Okay Joon, point out Ye-Jun", I whisper to him as we stand at the bar. Namjoon looks around and finds my target, "left side of the room, burgundy suit jacket with gray pants." I slowly scan to the left side of the room so it doesn't look obvious, and holy shit when I see him my jaw drops. "Handsome isn't he", Namjoon whispers. "That's the understatement of the year, where am I taking him once I get him to notice me", I ask.

I look over to see Taehyung talking to a pretty brunette, keeping her at arms length huh, that asshole, he has his arm around her waist and her hands are on his chest. "That's her, isn't it", I ask Joon. He sighs, "yea, he really is an idiot isn't he." "Has he slept with her", I ask trying not to throw up. "Jin dont", Joon says. "Did he", I ask. Again he sighs, "yes." I nod, "two can play at this game." "Don't do anything crazy, Ye-jun is unstable", Joon says.

I grab my drink and walk through the crowd. I notice a guy who seems close with Ye-jun, so as I get closer to his circle, I look like I am lost. "Who are you little lost lamb", the hot guy says. I smile at him, "I'm looking for the bathroom, this place is so big." He stands closer and was about to whisper something to me when he is interrupted. "Who is this Kenji", Ye-jun asks. "Don't know, he was lost", he says. "I'm Jin, I was looking for the bathroom", I say with a flirty smile.  "I'll just call you beautiful, and come with me, I will show you to the bathroom", Ye-jun says eyeing me up and down.

He wraps his arm tightly around my waist, "fuck you are gorgeous you know that, look at those fucking lips." I lick them, making him groan, "I know what you can do with those lips, you game." I feel the hair on the back of my neck stand up and when I turn around Taehyung is glaring daggers at me, so I slip my arm around Ye-jun's waist and smirk at Tae. I then look at Namjoon, hoping he gets my hint to follow us. "I'm game baby, lead the way", I purr.

A dark hallway and a door at the end, is where he takes me, its an office of some kind. He leans against the desk, his hard on prominent in his pants. I walk toward him, cupping his erection in my hand. He hisses, "yes baby, get on your knees for me." My head turns toward a noise by the door, so I flip our positions and stick my tongue down his throat, grinding my thigh against his cock, making him cry out. Once I see the door close, I turn us back and drop to my knees, unbuttoning his pants, "oh baby this is the most beautiful cock I have ever seen."

I hear a growl in the dark corner and when Ye-jun starts to look in that direction, I squeeze his cock, bringing his attention back to me, "fuck baby, harder." I can't help but to chuckle at Taehyung's jealousy, I stare up into the eyes of the man standing in front of me, holding his erection in my hand, I lean in to lick the tip. Before I can even react, Ye-jun is yanked backward and knocked out, "what the fuck Seokjin." I glare at Taehyung, "what's the matter Tae baby, you dont like seeing me all over someone else, well the feeling is fucking mutual."

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