Rocking Around The Christmas Tree

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Lan Zhan disliked Christmas in the same way that he was ambivalent about most festivals, be they of a Western or Eastern tradition. It was more that he hated socialising and having to make small talk than any actual loathing for the festivities, but that was neither here nor there because the two inevitably went hand in hand.

In short, festivals and celebrations = people.

His brother, while amused, did try his best to alleviate Lan Zhan from most of the chores associated with each tradition, but this year, Lan Zhan planned a trip away from home on purpose, just so he could be left alone.

So what if the trip was really a solitary walk around his own apartment during Christmas? Lasting until well past the new year? It was a genius move, he thinks, walking past the stranger standing by the elevator with the cute kid.

And the ginormous Christmas tree.

He was clearly struggling, because the child was only three and possibly thinking of absconding from his guardian's side, while the man in question was hefting several bags of shopping as well.

“Can I assist?” He says, before he can stop himself.

“Ah, it's okay, I can manage!” The stranger says, turning to face him, and it's a slap in the face.

Literally, because a pine needle nearly takes out his eye.

But Lan Zhan is far too distracted because this stranger is quite possibly the most beautiful man he's ever seen. It's not just his features, though they are beguiling by themselves, but he has an inner light that covers him like an aura. It isn't magical but nonetheless a special quality.

He's not going to think about it.

Lan Zhan easily hoists the tree over his shoulder and thus leaving a hand free, takes all of the shopping bags too, while the beautiful man gapes at him, and his child wears a matching expression.

“Baba, is that Superman?” The boy asks, forgetting about running away.

The elevator dings and they enter, and it's a tight squeeze because the tree might as well be a person with the room it's taking up, and although Lan Zhan feels quite smug about his strength, this is nothing for him. Were it not unwieldy for him to do so, he has no doubts at all that he could probably lift the lovely man and his kid, too.

“No, A-Yuan, he's a very kind uncle. What do we say when someone helps us?”

The man's voice is delightful. It's musical without being annoying, and a comforting pitch, neither too deep nor too high. Lan Zhan wonders what it might sound like if he were to sing.

“Thank you, kind Uncle!” The sweet child says, smiling brightly. He's missing his two front teeth and it makes him look like a monster's cute baby. He's also wearing a bunny fleece jacket, with cute long fluffy ears flopping at the sides. And the boy is chewing on a half-eaten carrot.

“You are welcome. Which floor?”

“Six!” The boy shouts with a giggle.

That's his floor as well, Lan Zhan thinks, but it's hard to do that when gorgeous silver eyes are twinkling back at him. The stranger is also trying not to stare back at him, and since they're both stealing glances, it's like playing a game of avoidance.

“I'm Wei Ying, and this is A-Yuan,” Wei Ying tells him.

“Lan Zhan.”

“Lan Zhan…Lan Zhan…” the man tests it out as if he's going to be using it quite a lot.

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