In The Heat Of The Moment

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Travelling down from Gusu is pleasant in the way that Lan Zhan knows what it is going to be like. The nerves that simmered in his veins when he first proposed this idea to both his uncle and XiChen, at the same time because Lan Zhan doesn't believe in half measures, (and he only wanted to say it once, twice might have sent him into qi deviation), have abated for now, and he is able to enjoy the familiarity of the norm.

Spring is enjoyable in Cloud Recesses, with the nesting birds and return to life in the natural world, waking up from hibernation in the most peaceful way. The similarities between how the residents of Cloud Recesses lived and existed side by side were welcome, harmonious and relaxing.

Where he is off to, perhaps, is not.

But Lan Zhan doesn't want to have an opinion of Yunmeng before he gets there, he wants to have his first impressions without any spoilers. Besides, the rules state, do not make presumptions, do not gossip, do not speak idly.

Most rules had that way about them, and most of the time, they always started with, ‘do not’, ironically, as a rule. But if life was supposed to be about balance, then Lan Zhan wanted to know about the rules that began with just ‘do’.

He had some idea of what kinds of reactions to expect.

Since his request (more of a telling them where he was going rather than asking) came out of the blue, Uncle Qiren was far too surprised to say no, and while he was thinking about doing that, XiChen came to his rescue.

Unfortunately, XiChen's help is always a double-edged sword.

While he pointed out all the good aspects of WangJi's decision for personal growth, stating how it would strengthen ties between two prominent clans, and how it will promote harmony within the cultivation world in a broader sense (XiChen was merely polishing his diplomatic skills by then, and had Uncle Qiren attempted to even think about stroking his whiskers, an impromptu flute solo would have backed him into a corner in no time), XiChen was meanwhile smiling in ‘that’ knowing way of his, which always made Lan Zhan want to squirm in his seat.

He sat straighter, and the other smile grew.

“Perhaps, we may come and visit you ourselves, when or if we have the time,” he suggests.

“No” is what Lan Zhan wants to say, but he's not fast enough to hide the feeling in his eyes, so his “mn” comes out a little harsher than expected.

And that was that.

Or so he thought, because XiChen manages to corner him just as he's leaving the Jingshi. For a split second, Lan Zhan wavers between turning around to go back inside again and pretending that he never saw him, or simply pushing XiChen into the pond by his house and claiming temporary blindness. He spends a moment too long in indecision, and now he has to take whatever XiChen wants to do.

Luckily, he has spent a lifetime dealing with his brother. Up until now, their paths have been parallel and so with their objectives being the same, Lan Zhan hasn't particularly been reticent about receiving advice; however, this new experience is something he wants to savour without any meddling, or ‘advice’, as XiChen likes to call it. There's something to be said for first impressions never going away, and Lan Zhan wants to have his, untainted and clearly seen, just for himself.

There's a fashion in Gusu, Caiyi Town in particular, where artists have been prone to tea-washing their artwork, to give it that slightly yellowy, brownish tint, like sepia. That's all anyone will talk about, and seems to be selling like hot cakes, but Lan Zhan has always preferred the original pieces of art without this new fad. He likes looking at mountains and trees, idyllic scenes in their full brightness because it feels more real.

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