Crime & Chaos Part 3

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Wei WuXian turns over in his sleep, delicious aches making him stretch sweetly. His eyes are too heavy to open, and he senses Lan Zhan close by, mumbling his name.

"Go to sleep, Wei Ying. It's still too early for you."

The whisper makes him sigh with contentment, and he smiles when he feels warm lips lingering on his bare shoulder. His long silky hair is brushed away, and then he feels a soft, tender kiss on the back of his neck.

There's a rustling noise, and then, with one last kiss on his forehead, Wei Ying gives up the fight to stay awake. A sense of well-being covers his sleeping mind, and peacefulness reigns in the early hours of Sunday morning.


"Lan Zhan...?" He mumbles awake, and only because the slit in the curtains is allowing a sliver of white light to fall upon his eyes, so he burrows deeper into the pillow to hide from it.

When no one answers him back, Wei WuXian flops onto his back, grumbling because he would like to sleep in a bit more. Unfortunately, now it's impossible, and he sits up in bed, rubbing his eyes sleepily.

Cuddles, that's what he needs, and then breakfast, hopefully and preferably with strong black coffee, and in that order. But it looks like he will have to fend for himself this morning. When he finally opens his eyes and manages to keep them open, he sees that truly, he is alone in his bedroom.

He tries not to feel sad because, after all, they never made any promises to each other. Everything was spontaneous with them, a flash-in-the-pan moment, from meeting in such an unlikely place as a remote island, and then dancing the night away, something Wei WuXian hasn't done in such a long time that he's genuinely surprised that his feet remembered what to do. The last time he entered a ballroom was for teenage formal dancing classes at age eighteen.

And even falling into bed together. Wei WuXian would never have done anything like that if it hadn't felt so right.

It was his first time.

He had always held himself back with his experiences because he believed that first times, he never came back.

The first kiss.

The first time sleeping with someone.

It had to be special.

That was why it was all the more important to share those with someone you cared about, because that person, the one you chose, would hold your heart with equal care and respect, while he was being vulnerable by offering up all the soft parts of himself.

But last night...both of them had gotten so caught up in the moment that his own eagerness had made him abandon his own values, and he had no one else to blame for that. But hope lives eternal, he thinks.

What if Lan Zhan has gone to fetch them breakfast? What if he needed his tea as badly as Wei WuXian needs his caffeine fix?

Maybe there's a note?

Wei WuXian thinks if he was doing the leaving, then he would probably leave a message in some way, most likely on Lan Zhan's phone, but failing that, there's something more romantic about writing on paper. Intentionally making the effort to put down your thoughts was inherently more personal, so he looks around with bleary eyes.

The sheets are twisted around his legs and the whole bed looks as if it sheltered a mini hurricane last night.

And there's no note.

Wei WuXian forces himself out of bed then, refusing to feel sorry for himself.

"Pull yourself together, Wei Ying," he tells himself, using the corner of the bedsheet to wipe his tired eyes. "Not everyone wants to jump into a relationship, you know. Just because you don't do casual, that doesn't mean everyone else is walking around with the same set of principles to live by. We're living in a modern age, and no one's got the time for your bullshit, you included. Now stand up, understand that you had a good time, and get over it." He forces himself into the shower after that.

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