Never Saw It Coming

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Happy Birthday, Hanguang-Jun, Lan Zhan, Lan Er-Gege, Lan WangJi...!


The bell rings and Wei Ying isn't paying attention when he opens it, still laughing at something Wen Ning had said. So, when he turns to see who it is, his jaw falls open and stays there.

Right in front of him stands a God.

The man is so beautiful, so effortlessly elegant and tall, and his eyes are so serious, amber with flecks of gold shining with intensity back at him, that Wei Ying has forgotten words exist.

"Good evening."

"Good evening!" Five voices echo out from behind him, belonging to Wen Ning, Wen Qing, Mo XuanYu, Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang.

The collective noise shoots a current of awareness into his spasming brain, and Wei Ying smiles brightly, covering up his awkwardness.

"Hi!" It's not his fault if his voice comes out a little higher than normal. There are titters and muffled laughter from behind him, so Wei Ying steps forward so he's taking up all the space in the gap between the door and the frame.

The man is still staring at him as if he's trying to work out why Wei Ying is here.

"Um...can I help you?" Wei Ying asks finally, because apparently it's his job to get this conversation going.

"I live next door."

"Omg, hiii!" Wei Ying sticks his hand out to shake the other man's one, feeling hotter than normal when a larger hand does take his, and shakes it firmly. "Sorry, I haven't gotten around to meeting all our neighbours yet! But I will! It's on the list! Hey, we've got a housewarming party on Saturday, how about you join us?" They've just moved in with help, hence the lively crowd behind him.

"Actually, I won't be able to make it...I am Lan Zhan." He shakes their hands again, but doesn't let go.

"Wei Ying." Wei Ying also shakes their hands again, and now it's become a game of loser-lets-go.

"Wei Ying..."

"Yup, that's me..."

Lan Zhan shakes his head as if clearing it. He feels strange and he doesn't know why. Maybe he needs to lie down. On top of him, his brain unhelpfully supplies, and Lan Zhan is mortified, struggling to get on with why he's come over. But the urge to repeat the beautiful name to match the beautiful person is strong., there's a good reason why he's here.

Wei Ying is far too aware of the deathly silence behind him, and he knows far too many ears are invested in this conversation, and he better move things along because they have plans.

"Anyway, how can I help you?" What the fuck is wrong with his voice?? He's going to have bats infesting his garden if he's not careful, it's that high pitched.

Lan Zhan, probably a model, holds out a golden key.

"I was hoping I could leave this with you. I'm flying out tomorrow and I don't like taking my keys with me. For safety."

"And you're giving me the key?" Wei Ying gapes at him. Is this normal? He doesn't know because this is the first time he's owned his own property.


"For safety."


Wei Ying clears his throat a few times. Take the key, Brain says, so he does.

Lan Zhan smiles.

Wei Ying wants to pull his heart out at how cute that is.

"Thank you."

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