Winner Takes All

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It didn't start out as a competition. In fact, it was so far from a competition that the thought didn't even cross Wei Ying's mind until now. He remembers it like it was yesterday, his and Lan Zhan's first ever date.

He was playing in the local arcade against Huaisang, a two player game and right in the middle of Galaxy Fighters, a shooting game, one which Wei Ying had every intention of winning, Huaisang suddenly got up and left, telling him the person sliding into his seat was gonna play for him.

Wei Ying didn't care as long as he won.

That was mostly Jiang Cheng's fault and the whole point of having a BABY brother; to wipe the floor with them in every single interaction, and most definitely in games, because in games, Wei Ying was ALLOWED!

However, this new person could play rather well, even though Wei Ying won in the end, and just by luck! When the game finished and he was crowing about it, he turned to look at who he had beaten.

The young man in the seat next to him was stunning. Easily model material, with his cut jaw and defined cheekbones, his straight, elegant nose and wide forehead...but his eyes! Like ice drenched in whiskey, all golden and freezing and so damn beautiful, that Wei Ying stopped.


Nothing was happening in his noggin, there was zilch, nada, kaput.

Those gorgeous, burning eyes were as intense as the sun, sparkling like golden tourmaline, with shining, glittering flecks of gold dust, and Wei Ying knew that was it for him.

"Best of three?"

Oh God...his voice???!!!

Wei Ying was mentally drooling, images of hot chocolate going down his throat, the sugary sweetness tempered by the bite of cinnamon.

He was already nodding.

The best of three games became five, became seven, became eleven, and they played and played and played. Sometimes, Wei Ying won, and sometimes, Lan Zhan won. And still they kept going.

Somewhere along the line, they introduced themselves to each other.

And somewhere along the line, Wei Ying forgot about winning, having too much fun just playing. He had forgotten what it was like, this feeling for the sake of playing, not caring about who won in the end.

When someone started switching the lights off, that's when they realised they had been playing until nearly midnight.

Wei Ying had stood up, sore for sitting in one place for hours, and in desperate need for the bathroom, and then he was jealous because Lan Zhan stood up easily, like a fucking prince, all elegance and grace and making Wei Ying feel like a monkey.

They had to beg the attendants to use the bathroom with Wei Ying's winning argument: "Dude! I've spent all my wages in here! You OWE me this!" And Lan Zhan had laughed.

It wasn't even a loud of a noise, just a snort of amusement really, but Wei Ying had done that! Him?! Wei Ying had made Lan Zhan laugh, and that win was more important than any other of this evening.

They're washing hands side by side in the toilets and Wei Ying is just wondering if he'll ever see Lan Zhan again, when Lan Zhan blindsides him.

"Wei Ying. Go out with me."

What gets Wei Ying is that he didn't even ask. That right there, is a statement, with the full stop at the end to boot.

"Yes." Wei Ying blurts out, because he's not some kind of loser who doesn't know what this is...while simultaneously wondering WTF...?

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