A Piece Of Cake Part 3

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A week goes by.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan transform one whole wall into a chart in Wei Ying's studio, and begin making plans. Lan Zhan is on point in deciding when things need to get done, and what can wait.

XiChen and MingJue are returning a full week before the Civil ceremony, and they need to get them fitted for their outfits then, other than that, everything else can be decided upon.

The only factor that seems to cause trouble is the time difference. Being overseas means that XiChen doesn't always have access to WIFI, and so Lan Zhan cannot get an immediate decision when he needs them.

Wei Ying is sprawled on the floor and staring up at his ceiling, groaning.

"Lan Zhaaaan!" He wails, kicking his feet.

Lan Zhan hides a smile.

"Lan Zhan, please tell me, why is it so important that XiChen-Ge decides between ivory and parchment? Why can't we tell those people one or the other, and get this show on the road? It's just tablecloths. No one cares! Arrrggghhh!"

"XiChen will care," he replies, patiently.

"How do you know? And he won't, especially if we don't tell him?" Wei Ying sits up hopefully, his expression earnest and full of longing.

"My brother made that." Lan Zhan points to the bulging Ring Binder. "And anyone who takes that much time to put something like that together, will care."

Wei Ying pouts and sinks back onto the ground like a melted ice cream scoop. "How long have we got?"

"Just over three months. Ninety six days."

Wei Ying giggles. "For a second there, I thought you were giving me that time frame in hours and minutes and seconds. Like that show, 24."

Lan Zhan turns back to the wall.

The problem is, they have far too much to do, and the time lag is holding them up. Even if they split up, the situation is still glum and questionable. And why should they have to split up? Just to get more done? This isn't fair.

He pulls out his phone and calls Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng doesn't pick up.

Three times.

Lan Zhan has a spontaneous urge to dump this company and go with someone else, but one look at Wei Ying's face makes him change his mind.

He holds his hand out.

"Come with me."

Wei Ying scrambles to his feet and goes to him, taking his hand as they leave the studio behind. He has no idea where they're going, but when Lan Zhan looks like this, so deliciously riled up and dangerous, he wants to know what's going to happen.

Ever since that hug they shared last week, something has changed between them. Wei Ying can't put his finger on any single one thing and say, that's it, that's what is different, but the change is too big to ignore.

Back in Uni, he remembers feeling sad every time he would throw his arm around Lan Zhan's shoulder, or touch his hands or anything really, that involved touching him, and Lan Zhan would without fail, pull away with a glare until Wei Ying stopped doing it. There would be times he would feel the weight of someone's stare, and look up to see Lan Zhan glaring at him.

So now, to find that he has permission to touch Lan Zhan whenever he wants to, it feels amazing. He hasn't told Lan Zhan that he is the source of his unrequited love. That day, it felt as if he had already cut himself open, showing his soft innards to the world, and then how could he tell Lan Zhan that he was the one? The one that had spent time and devotion pushing Wei Ying away again and again, until eventually, Wei Ying gave up.

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