The Tally

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Lan Zhan's job as Chief Cultivator is demanding, and Wei Ying knows that. That's why he tries to make it easier for his husband by not really hanging around when Sect Leaders come to petition him, or village leaders arrive with requests, because he knows his presence is distracting.

For both Lan Zhan AND his audience, who haven't quite made up their minds about him, and Lan Zhan, who absolutely has. Such a polarised mindset has led to problems in the past, and the last thing Wei Ying wants is for the meeting to turn into a bloodbath.

It's his ace card, when he thinks people are getting on Lan Zhan's nerves too much, then all he has to do is go there and wave from the doorway and there is a miraculous break in the proceedings.

But it's a ploy he can't keep using because then not much would get done, and Uncle Qiren would have more to say about that.

However, one day in the Jingshi, Lan Zhan is just about to go down to the Great Hall to receive his guests when he pauses, looking under and over a pile of letters still needing to be answered.

(Sometimes, depending on his mood, Wei Ying will answer a few of those with the intention of lightening his husband's workload, but that's neither here nor there.) (Also, he makes sure those people do not ever write back...)

Wei Ying's eyes are half closed as he watches from their bed, more awake than he looks, but now he has a reputation to maintain regarding what time he rises, so it wouldn't do to like, just get up. Plus, they had a late night yesterday because Lan Zhan was stressed about today, and so their everyday activities went up a notch and three rounds were instigated (it's not a complaint!). He's still pleasantly sore in all the places that matter, but that's a problem for future Wei Ying.

Present Wei Ying is quite happy snuggled deep in their winter blankets, surrounded by the comforting scent of sandalwood and clean linens, and life couldn't get better than this. Not when he can see his husband in all his glory, like an avenging angel descended down from the Heavens, dressed in pale baby blues...huh?

Not white today?

Wei Ying's body rises even before his mind can catch up, and he smiles sleepily at his husband, pulling the blanket closer around his shoulders.

"Lan Zhaaan!" He makes grabby hands at him, needing one last kiss before they go their separate ways.

"Mn." Lan Zhan comes over to hug him. "Wei Ying can sleep some more. It's not midday yet."

"You know, others will never believe me that there's a bitchy side to you," Wei Ying snickers, raising his face and pouting. He gets his kiss, and Lan Zhan lingers in it, getting lost in the sensations just as Wei Ying is.

Wei Ying pulls back to look at him, definitely more awake now. "That colour really suits you," he says, eyeing up that magnificent chest and remembering it pressed up against his back last night.

Lan Zhan blushes in his typical way; no change on his face but his delightful ears are getting more pink.

"What's wrong?" His hand reaches up to rub at the space between Lan Zhan's brows, the crease that comes with agitation. He's spent enough time watching this beautiful face and learning all of Lan Zhan's tells, how he might be feeling at any given time of the day.

Lan Zhan has different frowns too, and this one is a growing irritation.

Lan Zhan takes his hand and brings it to his lips, kissing it softly. For these few seconds, it is just them. The silence of the Jingshi and the whispering wind outside are like a cocoon, protecting them from unwanted interruptions.

"Nothing important. I can just make another one," he says, before bending down and kissing Wei Ying's forehead before he leaves.

Wei Ying's eyes stay on the door, tracing the shape of him long after he's gone.

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