Tied To The Ocean Part 2

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Lan Zhan can't believe it.

He steps back in shock, and just in time, because Wei Ying effortlessly vaults over the counter with both of his legs and into his space, and in a split second, his arms are full of a warm Wei Ying hugging him tightly.

It's as if all the good things about the ocean are present in this one scent, a fresh slightly salty breeze cushioned by Wei Ying’s floral fragrance, a smell that is wholly him. Lan Zhan feels Wei Ying’s nose touch his neck and he shivers involuntarily, relaxing naturally as if this is all completely normal.

Lan Zhan’s arms come around his slim body as he hugs him back tentatively, unsure if this is allowed. But it must be, since Wei Ying hugged him first.

“I…your- you have legs!” Lan Zhan says, feeling stupid, moreso when Wei Ying giggles in a burst of mirth.

“I bet you have lots of questions,” he says as his stomach joins the conversation by letting out an inhuman rumbling like ominous thunder. Wei Ying blushes and it's just adorable.

“I actually came into town because it's lunchtime. Too hungry to cook,” Lan Zhan explains. He feels too vulnerable to admit to Wei Ying that he took a walk on the beach before he came here.

Just to look for him, maybe for the slightest sign that Wei Ying was there.

He looks around the shop and then his eyes drift back to the beautiful creature in his arms.

Wei Ying is staring back at him in wonder, a matching disbelief in his gorgeous silver eyes.

“I can't believe you came back,” he murmurs.

Lan Zhan’s face grimaces with guilt. The last time they were together, Wei Ying had asked him to visit the next day…but his father had arrived in the middle of the night and taken him and XiChen away for good. But that's no excuse for the twenty years in between.

Lan Zhan has a lot of explaining to do.

His stomach gurgles too, and it's like a symphony of terrible sounds as Wei Ying’s tummy joins in, making the latter laugh.

“I didn't mean to make you feel bad.” Wei Ying says apologetically and takes his hand, pulling him out of the shop, leaving it unlocked and unattended.

“Aren't you going to…?” Lan Zhan gestures towards the door that slips shut behind them. The little silver bell tinkles, muffled on the other side.

“Nah, nobody comes in on the weekdays. My real trade happens over the weekend when the tourists come down. What do you want to eat?” a distracted Wei Ying turns around but doesn't stop walking forwards.

Lan Zhan suppresses another shiver, looking at their joined hands. Eating is the furthest thing on his mind and the least of his concerns. He shrugs, hoping he won't have to elaborate.

“I know this great spicy noodle place,” Wei Ying says, leading him down the sidestreet that Lan Zhan hadn't even noticed yet, captivated as he is by the soft, warm palm slotted next to his as if they held hands every day.

It is a most unique experience.

Wei Ying’s hands appear normal, like human hands. Similar to Lan Zhan’s hands except his skin is more golden, and his hands are a little shorter than Lan Zhan’s longer, paler fingers. Not even a trace of webbing between the digits, and certainly no sharp talons ready to hurt.

But Lan Zhan is extremely confident of this: he feels utterly safe with Wei Ying.

“Why don't you wear the bracelet any more?” he blurts out, bracing himself for whatever Wei Ying will say.

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