Joker (DC)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

[V/N] = Villain Name

: = Dialogue

(Most iterations of the Joker never gave him a civilian identity, and since Joker is a gender neutral moniker anyways, we'll be sticking with it for this chapter.)

Now let the story begin.

On his way to meet up with his girlfriend after a robbery, [Y/N] [L/N], infamously known to the citizens of Gotham as [V/N], is stopped when a bat shaped projectile flies past his head.

[Y/N] : Oh come on! Do we really have to do this now Bats?! I have places to be you know!

The caped hero leaps down in front of him with his trademarked scowl.

Batman : The only place you'll be going is to Arkham Asylum [V/N].

[Y/N] : Not a chance. If you want to send me back to that hellhole, you'll have to make me!

He throws a punch at Batman, which he easily dodges.

Batman : We don't have to do this [V/N]. You used to be a great man.

[Y/N] : Emphasis on 'used to'.

Batman : I know you can change. Let me help you.

[Y/N] : Sorry Bats, you can't help someone who doesn't want it. I'm perfectly happy terrorizing this city's people like I am now. Besides, my girlfriend enjoys watching the chaos I create, and what kind of boyfriend would I be to deny her that enjoyment?

Batman's sidekick Robin arrives on the scene and scoffs.

Robin : Someone like you has a girlfriend?! Is that some kind of joke?

[Y/N] : Oooh you have no idea how apt your choice of words are boy.

Robin : What do you mean?

[Y/N] : Let's just say my girlfriend has quite the sense of humor. She loves a good joke.

Batman, not being called the world's greatest detective for nothing, deduces who [V/N]'s girlfriend must be as his eyes widen.

Batman : No. [V/N], please tell me you're not in a relationship with...her.

[Y/N] : Hmm? Whatever do you mean Bats?

He asks with a coy smile, only confirming the hero's suspicions.

Robin : Ok, I'm lost. Who is he in a relationship with?

The boy looks to Batman in confusion before a feminine laugh that is all too familiar draws near, making [V/N] smile as Batman grits his teeth.

Out of the shadows comes the source of the laughter, that being the clown princess of crime herself...the Joker.

[Y/N] : Now ain't this a surprise? Hey babe, I missed you.

He walks over and proceeds to kiss her, much to the disgust of the heroes.

Joker : I missed you too hon. You were taking so long that I was starting to worry about you. I should've guessed that the big bad Bat was causing you trouble.

Batman : Joker....

Disdain and anger dripping in his voice as he says her name.

Joker : Batsy! How are you doing? As much as I would love to stand around and chat idly with you, me and my honeybun have things to do. We'll just be on our merry way and take a raincheck on the whole fighting thing ok?

Batman : You don't seriously think I'll just let you and [V/N] go do you? If this is one of your jokes, then you've lost your edge for comedy Joker.

Joker : Trust me Batsy, I never joke around when it comes to my [Y/N].

[Y/N] : Oh so I'm your [Y/N] huh?

He asks his girlfriend with a smirk, which she reciprocates.

Joker : Always have been hun.

Robin : Ugh. I feel like I'm gonna hurl. Why are we just standing around when we could be fighting?! Let's get this over with and lock these two lovebirds up in Arkham!

Batman : Right.

As the two heroes get ready to fight, a giant armored vehicle comes barreling down the street revealed to be driven by Harley Quinn.

Harley : Sorry about the delay Miss J! Traffic was awful!

Joker : Nonsense Harley! You got here just in time! See ya later Bats!

She grabs a couple smoke bombs from her suit pocket and throws them at the heroes before pulling [Y/N] into the vehicle as Harley drives off.

Joker : This is fun! We should do this more often!

Harley : You said it Miss J!

[Y/N] : Harley, where did you get this thing?

Harley : Stole it.

[Y/N] : .....fair enough.

Joker : I told Harley to come pick us up in anything she could find babe. I thought she'd just steal some unfortunate sap's car, so consider me pleasantly surprised.

Harley : If we're gonna ride, we'll ride in style!

[Y/N] : D-did you just quote the 1986 Transformers movie?

Harley : Yep!

[Y/N] : ....Harley I swear if I didn't love my girlfriend so much I would marry you right here and now.

Joker : Aww, that's so sweet!

Harley : Yeah, you definitely have a keeper Miss J.

The green haired criminal pulls her boyfriend closer and rests her head on his shoulder.

Joker : Believe me I know. Before I met you, I never thought anyone could love a messed up psychopath like me babe. Now though, I couldn't imagine being the clown princess of crime without my handsome prince by my side. I just love you so darn much [Y/N], and I want you to be with me until the day one or both of us dies.

[Y/N] : I feel the exact same way. I love you too beautiful.

Joker : Come here you.

She pulls him into a loving kiss, which quickly turns into a heated make out session as Harley smiles and shakes her head.

Harley : Looks like they're going at it again, time to put these on.

Putting on some headphones and listening to music on her phone, Harley continues driving as a squad of police cars begin to give chase.

Female x Male Reader One Shots : Genderbent EditionWhere stories live. Discover now