Natsu Dragneel (Fairy Tail)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

[E/C] = Eye Color

: = Dialogue

(Natsu's name will remain as is since it's gender neutral. I had to look this up and it is indeed a unisex name.)

Now let the story begin.

Things at the Fairy Tail guild have been anything but peaceful since Erza left yesterday for a weeklong job.

Without Erza there, Gray and Natsu have been at each other's throats, much to the growing annoyance of guild member [Y/N] [L/N].

(Just to clarify, Gray is also a girl in this.)

Natsu : Care to repeat that you frosty bimbo?!

Gray : You heard me, I said there's no way he'd be interested in you! The only thing hot about you is your temper!

Natsu : Grrr! That does it! I'm going to melt you ice queen!

Gray : Bring it on flame brain!

Before the two exchange blows, [Y/N] uses his shadow magic to hold them both in place.

[Y/N] : Enough! Just because Erza isn't here doesn't mean you girls are free to act like children! Now, I'm going to release you, and from this point on you two will act like friends. Do you understand?

Natsu/Gray : But she started-

They're both cut off by [Y/N] giving them a stern gaze with his vibrant [E/C] eyes.

[Y/N] : I you understand?

Gray : U-understood [Y/N].

Natsu : G-got it hot stuff....I mean [Y/N].

Hearing their response, [Y/N]'s demeanor does a complete 180 as he smiles and sits back down.

[Y/N] : Good. I'm glad we got that taken care of.

After taking a drink from his glass, realization sets in as [Y/N] turns to Natsu with a faint blush on his face.

[Y/N] : Hold on a minute. Natsu, did you just call me 'hot stuff'?

Gray : Ooooooh busted. Looks like you have no choice but to tell him Natsu.

[Y/N] : Tell me what?

Gray : That she lo-

Natsu : Finish that sentence and I'll turn you into a puddle you stripteasing snowball!

Brushing off the Fire Dragon Slayer's threat, Gray turns to [Y/N] and finishes telling him what she was going to say.

Gray : Fire freak over here loooves you [Y/N].

She says teasingly as he looks at Natsu with his [E/C] eyes widened in surprise and his blush deepening.

[Y/N] : I-is that true Natsu?

The pink haired girl sighs and nods.

Natsu : Yes. What the floozy snowflake said is true. I love you [Y/N].

[Y/N] : Why didn't you tell me this sooner?

Natsu : I dunno, just wanted to find the right moment I guess. So, do me that way too?

[Y/N] : I do. I've liked you for a long time, but could never work up the courage to ask you out. I love you too Natsu.

The female Dragon Slayer doesn't wastes time and pulls [Y/N] into a passionate kiss that lasts a few seconds before she pulls away.

Natsu : Tell me Gray, what was that you said earlier about [Y/N] not being interested in me?

She gives the black haired girl a cheeky grin while wrapping her arm around [Y/N].

Gray : Fine, seems like I was wrong. Seriously though, I'm happy for you Natsu.

Natsu : Heh. Thanks Gray.

[Y/N] : See, you two can get along sometimes.

Gray : By the way, you won't tell Erza we were fighting while she was gone right?

Natsu : Yeah babe, please don't.

They both give him pleading eyes, fearing of the scolding Erza would give them if she found out.

[Y/N] : As long as you two both behave yourselves for the entire time she's gone, I won't say a word to Erza about earlier.

Natsu : Thank you babe. You're the best boyfriend ever!

She kisses him on the cheek, making him slightly flustered.

Gray : Yeah man, I owe you one.

[Y/N] : It's fine. Just don't start any fights with Natsu for the rest of the week ok?

Gray : I'll try [Y/N].

She walks away as Natsu rests her head on [Y/N]'s shoulder, both of them enjoying the other's company.


About a week later, Erza bursts through the doors of the guild hall with a stoic expression, having finally returned from her job.

Mirajane : Welcome back Erza!

Erza : Thank you Mirajane. After being gone for a week, it feels good to be home.

She looks around the room and spots Natsu and [Y/N] sharing a kiss while snuggling up to each other, much to her surprise.

Erza : What's going on with those two?

The s-class mage asks her friend while pointing at the couple.

Mirajane : [Y/N] and Natsu? Oh yeah, they're in a relationship now.

Erza : Really? I should go over there and congratulate them then.

Walking over to where they're sitting, Erza gives [Y/N] and Natsu a warm smile.

Erza : I heard you're a couple now. Congratulations you two.

Natsu : Thanks Erza.

[Y/N] : Yeah, and welcome back.

Erza : Thank you [Y/N]. So, did Natsu and Gray give you any trouble while I was away?

She asks as Natsu nervously glances at her boyfriend, hoping he won't rat them out.

[Y/N] : Surprisingly no. Natsu and Gray haven't fought even once in your absence Erza.

Erza : That's good to hear. I'll leave you two be now.

Once she walks away, Natsu gives her boyfriend a grateful smile.

Natsu : She totally bought it! Thanks for covering for us babe.

[Y/N] : Well it wasn't a total lie. You and Gray didn't get into a single fight after we made the deal. You two kept your word, so I kept mine.

Natsu gives him a big kiss, incredibly thankful that her boyfriend saved her from facing the wrath of Erza.

Female x Male Reader One Shots : Genderbent EditionWhere stories live. Discover now