Eijiro Kirishima (My Hero Academia)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

[YH/N] = Your Hero Name

[PH/N] = Pro Hero Name

: = Dialogue

Quirk : Can create shockwaves by slamming hands together.

(For the genderbend name, Eijiro will be changed to Eiko.)

Now let the story begin.

During his internship with the hero [PH/N], U.A. student [Y/N] [L/N] is on patrol when he sees his girlfriend Eiko Kirishima picking up trash at the local park and walks over to greet her.

[Y/N] : Hey babe!

The red haired girl takes notice of him and smiles.

Eiko : [Y/N]!

Both share a quick hug before Eiko pulls away.

Eiko : So, how are things going with [PH/N]?

[Y/N] : To be honest, things have been a bit boring so far, but I guess that's how it is sometimes. What about you Eiko? Are you enjoying interning under Fourth Kind?

Eiko : W-well, it's been good I guess. He's definitely been putting me and Tetsutetsu to work, that's for sure.

She says with an awkward chuckle as her boyfriend nods in understanding.

[Y/N] : Yeah, I heard his agency is big on community service, which explains why you're here cleaning up the park.

??? : Red Riot (Kirishima's hero name), why are you talking instead of taking care of all this litter?

The two teens turn around to see Fourth Kind staring at them with a stern expression, causing Kirishima to tense up.

Before she could answer him however, her boyfriend steps forward and speaks up to the multi-armed hero.

[Y/N] : I-it's my fault Fourth Kind. I saw Eiko while I was on patrol and interrupted her work by coming over to talk. I apologize for that sir.

Fourth Kind : I see. While I appreciate your honesty and sticking up for my intern [YH/N], both you and Red Riot have disobeyed your mentors with your little chitchat. I'll have to tell [PH/N] about this.

He said as the aforementioned hero appears in front of the three.

[PH/N] : No need Fourth Kind, I already know.

[Y/N] : [PH/N], I-

[PH/N] : We can discuss this later [YH/N]. Right now there are more important matters to attend to.

[Y/N] : Like what?

[PH/N] : There's a robbery currently in progress. Come [YH/N], let's go take care of it.

[Y/N] : Right!

Fourth Kind : Hold on you two. Allow me and my interns to assist you.

[PH/N] : Very well, now let's go.

With that, the five heroes head off to deal with the robbers.

At the bank, a group of masked men are about to enter their getaway car with several sacks full of money as the heroes arrive.

[PH/N] : Stop right there!

Fourth Kind : Hand over the cash or prepare to fight!

The robbers look at each other before aiming their guns at the heroes.

[PH/N] : Fighting it is then. [YH/N], use your quirk!

[Y/N] claps his hands together, creating a sonic boom that knocks the criminals off their feet.

[PH/N] : Good work, now to-

He's cut off by the robbers getting back up as they prepare to shoot again.

Fourth Kind : Oh no you don't! Red Riot, Real Steel (Tetsutetsu's hero name), cover me with your quirks!

His interns block the bullets with their respective abilities, allowing the pro hero to deliver a strong punch to the bank robbers, knocking three of them out as the last one struggles to remain conscious.

Fourth Kind : That takes care of them. I'll go return everything they stole to the bank while you all wait for the police to get here.

He grabs all the money bags and carries them back into the bank.

[PH/N] : I wish to congratulate you three on a job well done. I know without a doubt you'll all become great heroes someday.

He tells the interns as they smile from his praise before [Y/N] notices one of the robbers shakily grabbing his gun and taking aim at Kirishima.

[Y/N] : No!

Shoving her out of the way, the bullet grazes his shoulder as the criminal finally passes out.

[PH/N] : Are you alright [YH/N]?!

He asks out of concern for his intern.

[Y/N] : Yeah, but Eiko almost wasn't. If that shot landed, she would've been....you know.

Kirishima runs up to her boyfriend and hugs him, careful not to hurt his shoulder.

Eiko : I didn't have my quirk active, you....saved my life [Y/N].

Tetsutetsu : That was a risky move man, what if that bullet hit you dead on? You could've died.

[Y/N] : Honestly Tetsutetsu, it was a risk I was willing to take. I won't ever let anything happen to Eiko. I'd gladly protect her with my life.

He says, to which his girlfriend breaks the hug as a blush appears on her face.

Eiko : So manly...

She says while looking at [Y/N] in adoration before pulling him into a kiss.

Once the two separate, Kirishima smiles lovingly at her boyfriend.

Eiko : I love you [Y/N].

[Y/N] : I love you too.

[PH/N] : Once Fourth Kind comes back, I'm taking you to the hospital to get that shoulder of yours checked out [YH/N]. Although the bullet didn't hit you directly, I can see you're still bleeding a little, so it's better to be safe than sorry.

[Y/N] : Understood [PH/N].

Eiko : Can I come along too?

[PH/N] : That's up to Fourth Kind Red Riot, but if he says yes, then I don't mind.

The authorities arrive a few minutes later and take the four robbers away, [PH/N] then bringing his injured intern to the nearby hospital after Fourth Kind finally returns and is caught up to speed, allowing Eiko to go with them as she proceeds to hold her manly boyfriend's hand the whole way there.

Female x Male Reader One Shots : Genderbent EditionWhere stories live. Discover now