Captain Hook (Peter Pan)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

(For the genderbend name, Hook's first name James will be changed to Jasmine.)

Now let the story begin.

On a calm evening in Neverland, the newest member of the Jolly Roger's crew [Y/N] [L/N] is nervous as he approaches his captain's quarters.

The captain told me she wished to talk to me about something. I'm so nervous right now! I hope I didn't do anything to upset her.

Knocking on the closed door, he hears a muffled voice telling him to enter.

[Y/N] complies and is met with the sight of his boss Captain Jasmine Hook, a beautiful woman with long black hair and a shiny gold hook replacing her left hand.

Upon seeing her, [Y/N] can't help but blush.

Golly, she's the most breathtaking woman I've ever met. No! Get those thoughts out of your head [Y/N]! She's the captain, you can't be thinking of her that way!

Hook looks up from her desk and greets him with a smile.

Captain Hook : Hello [Y/N]. Please, come take a seat.

[Y/N] : Y-yes Captain.

He sits down across from her.

Captain Hook : Tell me lad, how have you been doing? Are you enjoying being a part of my crew?

She asks him while polishing her hook.

[Y/N] : I'm doing well Captain, thanks for asking. Being a member of your crew has been quite nice, it's certainly a lot better than what I'm used to.

He flinches slightly at the memories evoked by his own words, which doesn't go unnoticed by Hook.

You see, [Y/N] used to be a cabin boy who served a band of pirates that were very physically and emotionally abusive to him, leading to him escaping from them on a small wooden raft and unfortunately ended up caught in a bad storm.

By some miracle, [Y/N] survived and washed up on Neverland, where he was offered to join the Jolly Roger's crew by Hook, which he accepted and has been with ever since.

Poor lad, I can't imagine what he's been through during his time with those abusive bilge rats. If I ever come across them, I'll make them pay for their treatment of such a hard working and handsome young man!

Captain Hook : I'm happy to hear that lad. I made you a promise that if you joined my crew, you would never be mistreated again.

[Y/N] : And you've stayed true to that promise Captain. I'm forever grateful for your kindness.

Such a kind heart he has. I don't know if I can keep my feelings at bay much longer.

Captain Hook : Please [Y/N], no need to keep referring to me as Captain when we're alone. It's just you and I here, so feel free to use my first name.

[Y/N] : O-ok Captain....I mean....Jasmine.

Captain Hook : There ya go lad.

[Y/N] : Umm...J-Jasmine, may I ask what it is you wanted to speak to me about?

Captain Hook : Right! Sorry, I momentarily forgot the reason I asked you to come talk with me. Don't worry though, it's nothing bad.

That's a big relief, but now I'm even more curious as to what the Captain's reason is.

Captain Hook : I've grown quite fond of you since you joined my crew lad. You've done everything asked of you with no complaints, you bring lots of morale to my crew, and everyone loves having you here, especially Mr. Smee....and most importantly myself.

She gets up and walks over to [Y/N], who blushes from her praise.

Alright, it's time to take Smee's advice to heart and tell [Y/N] how I feel about him.

Captain Hook : Listen closely lad, for I'm only going to tell you this once. I began developing feelings for you since you came into my service, and I won't keep them hidden any longer. Every pirate dreams of finding treasure, but it seems I've found something even greater than gold or jewels. You. I love you [Y/N], and I want you to be mine.

[Y/N] stares at his captain in utter shock.

I-is this a dream? Maybe I should slap myself to see if it is?

He goes to do so, but is stopped by Hook.

Captain Hook : No need to hurt that handsome face of yours lad. I can tell what you're thinking, this isn't a dream.

[Y/N] : D-do you truly love me Captain?

Captain Hook : Aye, I wouldn't have said it if it weren't true. Also, what did I say about calling me Captain when we're alone?

[Y/N] : S-sorry Ca-.....Jasmine, you just caught me off guard a bit.

Captain Hook : That's fine lad, I understand. Now tell me, do you return my affections?

[Y/N] : I do. To be honest with you, I've been attracted to you since we met. And how could I not be? You're really pretty, a great captain, and have an amazing personality.

Hook blushes a little and smiles.

Captain Hook : My, you sure know how to make a woman blush lad. Now that I know you feel that way about me, I can finally do this.

She pulls him closer and slams her lips onto his for a moment before pulling away.

Captain Hook : Wow, imma add 'good kisser' to your list of positive qualities [Y/N]. It's getting late, so we both should be getting ready for bed. No need to head back to your quarters lad, you're sleeping with me tonight.

[Y/N] : That's fine with me, I love you Jasmine.

Captain Hook : I love you too [Y/N].

The two get ready for bed, intending on telling the others of their new relationship in the morning.

Female x Male Reader One Shots : Genderbent EditionWhere stories live. Discover now