Hiccup (How to Train Your Dragon)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

[D/N] = Dragon Name

[D/S] = Dragon Species

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

(With Hiccup being gender neutral, it won't be changed.)

Now let the story begin.

In the skies over the island of Berk, daughter of the chief Hiccup and her dragon partner Toothless are giving a flying demonstration to an awestruck [Y/N] [L/N], who happens to be Hiccup's boyfriend.

Wow, she and Toothless make it look so easy. I just wish we could do what they can.

[Y/N] thinks to himself while staring at his dragon, a [D/S] he befriended and named [D/N].

Admittedly, [D/N] and I haven't been a pair for as long as Hiccup and Toothless have, but I believe it's been long enough to attempt flying together.

On the back of her beautiful Night Fury comrade, Hiccup flies back towards her boyfriend and lands in front of him, patting Toothless on the head as she hops off.

[Y/N] : That was so cool babe!

Hiccup : Hehe, thanks [Y/N]. Now, why don't you and [D/N] give it a try?

She asks as he gains a nervous look on his face.

[Y/N] : I....I don't know. What do you think [D/N]? Wanna try flying with me?

He turns to his majestic [D/S], who lets out a mighty roar in response.

Does that mean yes....or no?

Hiccup : Seems to me that [D/N] is excited [Y/N].

[Y/N] : Really babe? You think so?

Hiccup : Yeah! Go on and get on [D/N]'s back.

Alright, here goes nothing.

He does as his girlfriend instructed, causing [D/N] to roar again before starting to take off into the air.

[Y/N] : W-woah! Calm down bud!

Ignoring his rider, [D/N] speeds off through the air at insane speeds.

I'm gonna die! I'm gonna die! I. Am. Going. To. Die!!!

[Y/N] begin panicking as he is at the mercy of his dragon.

Meanwhile, Hiccup is watching her boyfriend and his dragon partner with a look of slight unease.

This isn't what I thought was going to happen. [D/N] is out of control.

Hiccup : Should we go help [Y/N] out Toothless?

She asks her partner, who shakes his head no in response.

Toothless doesn't seem all that concerned. Maybe he knows something I don't?

Hiccup : Alright bud, I'll trust your judgement. But if someone goes wrong, you and I have to step in ok?

Toothless simply nods his head while continuing to watch [D/N] zip through the sky.

Back to [Y/N], he begins to calm down a little as he remembers something his girlfriend told him before.

Hiccup said that every dragon has its own personality, so maybe [D/N] just enjoys flying at super fast speeds?

Getting used to the way his dragon flies, [Y/N] is actually starting to enjoy himself.

This...is actually a lot of fun. I can see now why Hiccup is always gushing over flying so much.

[Y/N] : Ok [D/N], can you pick up the speed?

As a response, the [D/S] flies even faster than before, much to his rider's delight.

[Y/N] : Woo! Now that's more like it! Still though, I bet you can do even better, can't you [D/N]?

Letting out a happy roar, [D/N] soars through the sky at blistering speed, causing Hiccup to shout out to her boyfriend.

Hiccup : [Y/N]! [D/N] is going way too fast! Have him slow down before either of you get hurt!

[Y/N] : You worry too much babe! [D/N] and I are doing juuust fine! Besides, what could possibly hap-

Due to the speed in which his dragon is flying, [Y/N] is thrown off and begins falling from high up in the sky into the crashing waves below.

Oh no! If [Y/N] hits the water from that high, he won't survive!

Hiccup : [Y/N]!

She screams in horror at the sight of her descending boyfriend before shifting her attention to Toothless.

Hiccup : Come on bud, let's go save [Y/N].

Quickly getting on the back of her dragon, Hiccup wastes no time in trying to reach [Y/N] in time.

Before the two can make it to him however, [D/N] comes flying in and rescues his human friend mere seconds away from death and brings him back onto dry land in one piece.

I....I almost died there if it weren't for [D/N].

[Y/N] : You saved my life bud, thank you.

He smiles and proceeds to gently pet [D/N]'s snout as the mighty [D/S] nuzzles into his partner's hand.

A few moments later, Hiccup and Toothless land as well, the former wasting no time in running up to her boyfriend and pulling him into a tight embrace.

[Y/N] : H-Hiccup?

He says her name in surprise as she sobs into his chest before pulling away and looking up at him with tears in her eyes.

Hiccup : Do you understand...how close I was...to losing you back there? Why didn't you listen when I told you to have [D/N] slow down?

She asks him between sobs as [Y/N] can't help but feel like garbage.

[Y/N] : I know babe, I got so caught up in the feeling of flying that I acted like an idiot. Please don't cry, I'm so sorry Hiccup.

Wiping her tears away, Hiccup nods and hugs him again.

Hiccup : Apology accepted. I love you [Y/N], just promise not to be so reckless next time.

[Y/N] : You have my word. I love you too Hiccup.

The two kiss while both of their dragons begin playing with each other in the background.

Female x Male Reader One Shots : Genderbent EditionWhere stories live. Discover now