Wally (Pokémon)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

(For the genderbend name, Wally will be changed to Willow.)

Now let the story begin.

After receiving a call on his PokéNav that his girlfriend Willow is seriously ill, current Hoenn league champion [Y/N] wastes no time rushing over to his girlfriend's house in Petalburg.

I don't understand why this is happening! I know Willow has always had medical problems, but since we first met her health's been gradually improving! So why is her illness getting so bad now?!

He questions to himself as he continues on his way to Petalburg as quickly as possible, a feeling of intense worry and fear filling the young champion the entire way there.

Please don't let it be too late. To whatever almighty deity there is that can hear my thoughts, I beg of you...let Willow be ok.

Tears begin to fill [Y/N]'s eyes before he shakes his head and wipes them away.

No. Now is not the time to cry. She's going to be ok, I just know it.

Finally arriving at his destination, [Y/N] enters his girlfriend's home and sees her family gathered in the living room with solemn expressions, causing him to automatically assume the worst.

I...it can't be. Willow can't be gone!

Just then, his girlfriend's father walks over to him and puts a comforting hand on his shoulder while smiling sadly.

Willow's Dad : You came. My daughter means a lot to you doesn't she?

[Y/N] : S-she does. I love her so much sir.

He says while trying not to burst into tears.

Willow's Dad : I can tell what you're thinking [Y/N], my girl is still holding strong, but it's not looking good.

She's still alive! That means there's a chance things will be alright, even if it's a small one.

[Y/N] : Can I go see her? Please?

Willow's Dad : Of course. That's why I called you after all. Willow's been muttering your name since this morning, so it's obvious she wants you by her side. Come on, I'll take you to her room.

He leads [Y/N] to Willow's room, where she is in bed looking extremely pale and weak.

Willow's Dad : The doctor we had over left not long before you got here. She said that all we can do is hope my daughter can fight through this. We need a miracle [Y/N], and I believe our chances are higher with you here. You are the most important person to Willow I think, so please, save my daughter if you can.

Tears fill his eyes as he looks at his daughter's boyfriend in desperation.

[Y/N] : I'll do whatever I can to help sir, you have my word.

Willow's Dad : T-thank you. I'll leave you be now. If you need anything at all, me and the others will be waiting in the living room.

He walks away as [Y/N] moves closer to his sickly girlfriend as her partner Gallade glares at him.

Such a protective pokémon. I remember when Willow caught him back when he was just a tiny Ralts.

[Y/N] : Don't worry Gallade, I'm not going to hurt her. I'd never hurt her, you know that.

The psychic/fighting type relaxes and continues standing guard by his trainer's bed as [Y/N] speaks softly to his girlfriend.

[Y/N] : Hey babe, can you hear me?

Willow : ............[Y/N]?

She asks weakly while slightly opening her eyes.

[Y/N] : Yes Willow, it's me. How are you feeling right now?

Willow : C-cold. Really....cold. I could just close my eyes.....and.....sleep.

Hearing this causes [Y/N] to panic.

[Y/N] : No! Stay with me Willow! Please stay with me! Do not go to sleep!

Willow : [Y/N]? I don't think I can last much longer. If this is it, I want you to know that....you were the light of my life. When you asked me out after being friends for so long....I've never been so happy. You...made my life....worth living. I love you.....[Y/N].

She says before closing her eyes with a soft smile on her face.

[Y/N] : Willow?! Willow! Wake up! Don't leave me! You're too young to die! You have your whole life ahead of you! You've been fighting this illness your entire life, so don't succumb to it now! Think about how strong you've become since we met! Willow, don't let this be the end of your story! Please!

He cries out as tears stream down his face, grieving over his presumably deceased girlfriend.

While [Y/N] continues crying however, Willow's arm begins to move as she grabs her boyfriend's hand.

[Y/N] :Huh?! W-Willow?!

She looks up at him and smiles softly.

Willow : Thank you [Y/N].

[Y/N] : F-for what?

He asks, unaware that he's currently smiling like an idiot at seeing his girlfriend still living.

Willow : For giving me the strength to live. Even before we started dating, you've been my rock [Y/N]. To me you are a symbol of power, and I use you as motivation to live my life despite my poor health. I love you [Y/N], and I'll keep on living for you.

Not knowing how to respond, [Y/N] gently hugs his girlfriend and kisses her on this lips before pulling away with happy tears in his eyes.

Today has been an absolute roller coaster of emotions for me, but that doesn't matter now. All I care about is that Willow is still here, and though I have no doubt this accursed illness will continue being a problem, I know Willow will eventually overcome it.

[Y/N] : I love you too Willow. I'll be right back alright?

He kisses her again before leaving the room to go tell his girlfriend's family of her improved condition.

Female x Male Reader One Shots : Genderbent EditionWhere stories live. Discover now