Jack Frost (Rise of the Guardians)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[H/C] = Hair Color

[E/C] = Eye Color

: = Dialogue

(For the genderbend name, Jack will be changed to Joan.)

Now let the story begin.

On a chilly evening in December, the manifestation of winter Joan Frost is up to her usual antics while flying past a nearby house before hearing a familiar voice calling out to her.

??? : Hey Joan, I love what you've done with this neighborhood. This town looks absolutely beautiful when it's painted white this time of year.

Flying down to the source of the voice, Joan is met with a smile from a winged man with [E/C] eyes and [H/C] hair who's wearing a pink tuxedo.

This man is a fellow immortal being named [Y/N], who is more commonly known as Cupid.

Joan Frost : Well, if it isn't the loverboy himself. What are you doing here Cupid?

She asks while returning his smile, having been friends with the manifestation of love for ages now.

[Y/N] : First off, you and I have known each other for centuries, so there's no need to be formal by calling me Cupid. I'm just your friendly neighborhood [Y/N].

He tells her as she giggles.

Joan Frost : Ok, but you didn't answer my question.

[Y/N] : Ah yes, the reason I'm here is because something magical is about to happen. Come watch with me.

Joan Frost : Umm, sure [Y/N].

She shrugs and moves closer to him as they both peer through the window to see a young man inside cuddling with his girlfriend by the fireplace.

Joan Frost : What exactly is supposed to be happening?

[Y/N] : Shh. He's gonna do it!

Joan Frost : Do what?

[Y/N] : You'll see.

As they continue watching, the man suddenly gets on one knee and pulls out a small box with a ring in it, his girlfriend tearing up at seeing this as she nods rapidly before embracing him tightly.

[Y/N] : She said yes! I just love marriage proposals! Honestly, it's hard to believe that three years have passed since I first got those two together, and now they're getting married! Yet another victory for the power of love!

He whisper shouts with glee as Joan shakes her head in amusement at her friend.

Joan Frost : You really take pride in what you do, don't you [Y/N]?

[Y/N] : Yep! Love is the most amazing feeling in the universe, and it comes in so many different forms! Love makes people happy, and seeing people happy makes my life worth living!

Joan Frost : ......can I ask you something?

[Y/N] : Of course Joan! You can ask me anything!

Joan Frost : Have you ever thought about...finding love?

She questions as the smile on [Y/N]'s face begins to fade.

[Y/N] : W-well, I certainly wish I could, but love doesn't seem possible for someone like me.

Joan Frost : What makes you think that [Y/N]?

He sighs as a look of sadness appears in his [E/C] eyes.

[Y/N] : You and I....we're immortals Joan, we can't have romantic relationships like normal people do. It's the bitter irony of my job. I help people fall in love, but I can never experience it for myself. It's just how things are I guess.

Joan Frost : I get you can't be with a human, but what if....you were in a relationship with another immortal?

[Y/N] : That would work, but which immortal would possibly wanna-

He's cut off by a snowball hitting him in the face.

[Y/N] : H-hey?! What was that for?!

The embodiment of love frowns while wiping the snow off his [H/C] hair before looking at Joan, only to see her blushing while holding a heart shaped snowball.

[Y/N] : J-Joan, are you trying to tell me that you...love me?

She blushes even more while rubbing the back of her head nervously.

Joan Frost : Y-yeah, I'm not good at all that sentimental stuff, so this was the best I could do.

For the first time ever, [Y/N] develops a blush of his own.

[Y/N] : I see. How long have you felt that way about me?

Joan Frost : I don't know, a while now I guess. You've always just been so fun to be around and hang out with that I just....grew feelings for you.

A short silence then occurs between the two until Joan finally speaks up.

Joan Frost : Look [Y/N], if I made you uncomfortable, we can forget this ever happened and continue being friends ok?

[Y/N] : I love you too Joan.

Her eyes widen in surprise.

Joan Frost : W-what?

[Y/N] : I said I love you too. Until now I always thought you only saw me as a friend and fellow immortal, so I pushed any feelings I had for you aside, but I don't have to do that anymore. Joan, if you want to, can we be-

She cuts him off with a kiss, which he quickly sinks into.

Moments later, Joan pulls away and looks into [Y/N]'s [E/C] eyes with a smile.

Joan Frost : Does that answer your question loverboy?

[Y/N] : M-maybe? Can I have another just to be sure?

Joan Frost : Sure you can.

[Y/N] : Thank-

He's hit in the face by another snowball as Joan laughs.

[Y/N] : Oh it's on now!

He readies a snowball as his new girlfriend glares playfully at him.

Joan Frost : Bring it! I love you [Y/N].

[Y/N] : I love you too Joan.

The two immortals proceed to have an epic snowball fight, both having the time of their extremely long lives as the air around them is filled with love just as much as it is cold.

Female x Male Reader One Shots : Genderbent EditionWhere stories live. Discover now