Jaune Arc (RWBY)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

Semblance : Can shoot taser-like darts out of fingertips.

(For the genderbend name, Jaune will be changed to Jane.)

Now let the story begin.

Walking back to his team's dorm after buying some dust for his weapon in Vale, Beacon Academy first year [Y/N] [L/N] hears a familiar feminine voice just around the corner of the hall.

??? : I said please leave me alone Cardin.

That sounds like Jane. No doubt that uncivilized brute from Team CRDL is giving her trouble again.

Peaking around the corner, [Y/N] sees his close friend and crush Jane Arc being surrounded by Team CRDL and their leader Cardin Winchester.

I knew it! Why do these jerks insist on being so awful to Jane?! I better keep watching just in case anything happens.

Cardin : No need to be so rude Jane, we just want to talk to you.

He says with a smug grin that makes [Y/N]'s blood boil.

Jane : W-well maybe I don't want to talk to you Cardin. N-now let me pass!

She tries getting past them, but Cardin stops her.

Cardin : Who do you think you are talking to me like that?! A loser like you should learn her place!

He harshly pushes Jane up against the wall as [Y/N] gets ready to jump into action.

I know Pyrrha said not to intervene in moments like this so Jane can learn to stand up for herself, but how can I just stand by and do nothing while Jane gets treated this way?! I have to do something!

Before he could act however, Jane beats him to it by pushing Cardin away and then flips him onto his back, much to CRDL's shock.

She's standing up for herself! Way to go Jane!

[Y/N] smiles with pride as Cardin looks up at her in surprise.

Cardin : H-how did you...?

Jane : I'm not as weak as you think I am Cardin. Thanks to [Y/N] and Pyrrha's help, I've gotten a lot stronger over the past few weeks. I am through letting you push me around Cardin!

Angry at her newfound confidence, Cardin gets up and takes a swing at Jane, which she dodges and then delivers a powerful punch to his groin, causing him to stagger backwards before falling to his knees as his teammates stare in awe.

Russel : S-she took down Cardin!

Dove : Let's return the favor!

Sky : Yeah! Get her!

Ok, now I can step in.

Stepping into view, [Y/N]  loudly clears his throat to get their attention.

Jane : [Y/N].

She says his name with a smile and faint blush on her cheeks while the other three scowl in response to his presence.

Dove : Oh great, now he's here!

Russel : Stay out of this [Y/N]!

Sky : Yeah! If you know what's good for you!

Pfft! As if I'm intimidated by these three baboons.

[Y/N] : Three against one is hardly a fair fight, so I'm here to even out the odds a little. I have a cool trick to show you fellas that you might find....electrifying!

He points his hands at Russel and Sky and activates his semblance, causing them to spasm a little before losing consciousness.

[Y/N] : Looks like you're the only one left standing Dove. If you want to remain that way I suggest hightailing it out of here after you promise that you and your teammates will leave Jane alone!

Dove : I promise! Just don't taze me!

The brown haired goon says fearfully as he runs off, leaving his three injured teammates behind.

[Y/N] : That takes care of that. Hopefully they won't bother you anymore Jane.

Jane : I hope so. Thanks for helping me out [Y/N].

[Y/N] : No problem Jane, that's what friends are for.

She visibly frowns at the word 'friends', which [Y/N] takes notice of.

[Y/N] : Did I say something wrong Jane?

Jane : N-no, I just...

Pyrrha told me to act on my feelings and tell [Y/N] how I feel, so it's time I do just that!

Jane : [Y/N], I.....I have something to tell you.

[Y/N] : Ok, what is it Jane?

Taking a few steps closer to him with a growing blush on her face, Jane takes in a deep breath and looks at [Y/N] nervously.

Jane : I like you [Y/N]....a lot.

I-is she confessing to me?!

[Y/N] : Jane, are you saying that you....have feelings for me?

She nods as [Y/N] now begins blushing.

My crush returns my feelings! Thank you Oum!

[Y/N] : I feel the same way Jane. I love you.

He says with a warm smile as Jane throws herself into his arms and embraces him tightly.

Jane : I love you too [Y/N]! You've been there to support me ever since we met. Besides Pyrrha, you have been my closest friend, but I began falling for you and didn't know what to do. Now that I know you love me back, I've never been this happy!

The blonde girl exclaims gleefully as [Y/N] chuckles and kisses her gently on the lips, leaving the girl flustered while dawning a goofy grin.

[Y/N] : You are just so cute Jane.

Jane : C-cute?

Now even more flustered, she buries her head into his chest as they continue holding each other.

[Y/N] : Wanna go tell our teams the good news?

Jane : Y-yeah, I bet they'll all be happy to learn we're a couple now. I know I am. I love you [Y/N].

[Y/N] : I love you too Jane.

Hand in hand, [Y/N] and Jane walk past the three bullies on the floor and head off to tell their friends that they are now dating.

Female x Male Reader One Shots : Genderbent EditionWhere stories live. Discover now